17th bidding round set for 2020

On Tuesday (19), President Jair Bolsonaro signed Resolution No. 24, authorizing ANP to hold the 17th Bidding Round for exploration and production of oil and natural gas in 2020.

128 blocks in the Pará-MaranhãoPotiguarCamposSantos and Pelotas offshore sedimentary basins will be offered up via the concession regime, totaling an area of 64.1 thousand km².

The blocks are in the following sedimentary basins/sectors: Pará-Maranhão (SPAMA-AUP1 sector), Potiguar (sectors SPOT-AP2 and SPOT-AUP2), Pelotas (sectors SP-AP1, SP-AR1 and SP-AUP1), Campos (sectors SC-AUP2, SC-AP3 and SC-AP1) and Santos (sectors SS-AUP5, SS-AP4 and SS-AUP4), as shown above.

Source: ANP

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