
Day: December 5, 2019

ANP approves inclusion of 174 new areas in permanent offer regime

The new version of the Permanent Offer Tender is subject to public consultation as of November 29, 2019, followed by a public hearing on February 2, 2020. The current version, published in May 2019, covers 600 exploratory risk blocks and 14 areas with marginal accumulations. However, in September of this year, the 1st Permanent Offer cycle took place, during which 33 blocks and 12 areas with marginal accumulations were scooped up. Thus, the new announcement will offer 740 blocks (567 from the previous announcement and 173 new ones) and three areas with marginal accumulations (two from the previous offer and the Juruá area, which was returned to ANP by Petrobras).

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Geodatabase Update

Our tables and graphs show the basic petrophysical properties (absolute permeability, effective porosity, rock density, and confining pressure) for a huge amount of data generated from laboratory analysis of side-rock samples and core plugs

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