Equatorial Margin
2D Petroleum System Modeling and Exploration Risk Assessment of Equatorial Margin: Pará-Maranhão, Barreirinhas and Ceará Basins, Brazil
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Table of Contents
List of Figures
The Northern Brazilian Equatorial Margin, including Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão, Barreirinhas and Ceará Basins, covers an area of approximately 620,000 km2 up to the 3,000m isobaths.
The basins are directly related to the breakup of the African and American plates during Aptian-Albian times. Recent giant hydrocarbon accumulation in deep and ultra deep waters in Guyana (Zaedyus well) and Venus, Jupter, Narina and Jubilee in West Africa Equatorial Margin suggesting that large oil/gas accumulations must also be present in the deep to ultra-deep water realm of the Brazilian margin. In the Pará-Maranhão Basin, most of the exploration activity took place during 70’s and 80’s where most of its 34 offshore wells were drilled. Only two wells have been drilled in water depths deeper than 83m. Direct evidence of at least three active oil and gas petroleum systems were obtained by the recovery of gas and light oil in several exploration wells
The Barreirinhas Basin covers an area of approximately 50,000 km2 of which 20% is onshore. The presence of onshore gas and light oil discoveries proved the presence of at least three active oil & gas petroleum systems in the Basin.
The Ceará Basin spans over an area of 62,983 km2 between the Tutóia and Fortaleza highs. The exploratory history of the basin started at the end of the 60’s with the first seismic survey done by Petrobras, and this initial exploration effort gave first results with the discovery of the Xaréu field (1977), followed by the discoveries of Curimã and Espada (1978), and Atum (1979) fields.
By 2012, Petrobras made its first large oil discovery (Pecém oil field) in the deep water region of the basin. By 2013, 117 exploratory wells were drilled in the basin with its vast majority concentrated in the Mundaú sub-basin. During the last license lease of the basin in 2013, 6 exploration blocks were awarded to companies such as Exxon, Total, Chevron and Premier, indicating that these companies envisage a high exploration potential of the basin.
This multi-client 2D Petroleum System Modeling and Exploration Risk Assessment of Equatorial Margin including Para-Maranhão, Barreirinhas and Ceará Basins Brazil, allowed for the reconstruction and characterization of the active petroleum systems present in the area. The integration of its elements and processes which look into oil and gas migration, trap formation, thermal evolution of source rocks and oils, oil and gas accumulation and preservation of the new frontier leads and prospects targets, are critical in tower the drilling exploratory risk in such unexplored deep waters.
Full references of all images are listed in the reports
Table of Contents
- Volume I
- Introduction
- Regional Geology
- Tectonic Evolution of the Equatorial Margin
- Pará-Maranhão Structural and Stratigraphic Framework
- Exploratory History
- Petroleum System Overview through Geochemistry of Oils from Pará-Maranhão Basin
- Assessment of Oil Quality and Origin through Bulk Paramenters and Isotopic Composition of the Oils Recovered in Pará-Maranhão Basin
- N-alkane Distribution, Isoprenoid Ratios and Carbon Preferences in the Assessment of Oil Origin and Biodegradation
- Origin and Thermal Evolution Assessment of the Oils Recovered in Pará-Maranhão Basin through its Biomarkers Distribution
- Assessment of Oil Biodegradation
- Seismic Interpretation and Geological Characteristics of the Area
- Seismic Data Quality Control
- Navigation and Positioning
- Polarity and Phase
- Mis-Tie Analysis
- Diverse Processing Problems
- Well Tying
- Synthetic Seismogram
- Preparation of Synthetics and Results
- Synthetic Seismogram
- Regional Mapping
- Basement
- Transitional Crust
- Codó Formation Top
- Lower Albian Top
- Santonian/Turonian Top
- Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Top
- Middle Eocene Top
- Middle Oligocene Top
- Middle Miocene Top
- Sea Bottom
- Leads Definition
- Seismic Data Quality Control
- Stratigraphic Modeling
- Quality Control of Well Data (Conversion and Standardization of Log Files)
- Characterization of Potential Reservoirs
- Sandstones Rift
- Turonian/Santonian Turbidites
- Upper Cretaceous Turbidites
- Eocene Calcarenites
- Regional Correlations
- Basement and Correlated Sequences
- Rift Megassequence Description
- Lower Aptian (Rift II) Sequence
- Upper Aptian (Sag) Sequence
- Albian Sequence (Rift III)
- Drift Megassequence Description
- Albian-Cenomanian Sequence
- Turonian/Santonian Sequence
- Campanian/Maastrichtian Sequence
- Paleocene/Eocene Sequence
- Oligocene and Miocene Sequences
- A-A’ and B-B’ Strike Oriented Sections
- C-C’ and D-D’ Dip Oriented Sections
- Basement and Correlated Sequences
- Play Fairway Mapping
- Source Rocks and Charge
- Reservoirs and Seals
- Lower Eocene/Paleocene
- Maastrichtian/Campanian
- Santonian/Turonian
- Aptian Rift
- Play Fairway Map
- Petroleum Systems Modeling
- Model Input
- Geometries
- Layering / Age Assignment
- Lithologies / Facies Assignment
- Boundary conditions
- Paleo Water Depth (PWD)
- Sediment-Water Interface Temperature (SWIT)
- Heat Flow
- Petroleum Systems Elements
- Source Rock Properties
- Reservoirs
- Seals
- Fault Properties
- Erosion
- Special Modeling
- Intrusion / Volcanics
- Mass Movement / Paleo Thickness
- Calibration
- P/T Modeling Results
- Dip Line P/T Results
- Temperature
- Maturity
- Transformation Ratio
- Time Extractions
- Pressure
- Strike Line P/T Results
- Temperature
- Maturity
- Transformation Ratio
- Time Extractions
- Pressure
- Conclusions of the P/T Results
- Dip Line P/T Results
- Migration Modeling Results
- Dip Line Migration Results
- Strike Line Migration Results
- Modeling Conclusions
- Model Input
- Overall Conclusions
- References
- Annex I
- Annex II
- Annex III
- Annex IV
- Volume II
- Introduction
- Regional Geology
- Tectonic Evolution of the Equatorial Margin
- Barreirinhas Structural and Stratigraphic Framework
- Intracratonic Super sequence
- Rift Megassequence
- Drift Mega sequence
- Exploratory History
- Petroleum System Overview through Geochemistry of the Oils from Barreirinhas Basin
- Aptian/Lower Albian Marine Hypersaline (!) Oil
- Albian-Cenomanian Marine Anoxic (!) Oil
- Seismic Interpretation and Geological Characteristics of the Area
- Seismic Data Quality Control
- Navigation and Positioning
- Polarity and Phase
- Mis-Tie Analysis
- Well Tying
- Synthetic Seismogram
- Regional Mapping
- Intracratonic Sequence (Paleozoic)
- Rift Sequence (Paleozoic-NeoAlbian)
- NeoAlbian-Cenomanian Sequence
- Cenomanian-Coniacian/Turonian Sequence
- Coniacian/Turonian-Campanian Sequence
- Campanian-Maastrichtian Sequence (Seismic Cretaceous)
- Maastrichtian-Eocene Sequence
- Eocene-Oligocene Sequence
- Oligocene-Middle Miocene Sequence
- Miocene-Recent Sequence
- Leads Definition
- Seismic Data Quality Control
- Stratigraphic Modeling
- Quality Control of Well Data (Conversion and Standardization of Log Files)
- Characterization of Potential Reservoirs
- Siliciclastic Turbidites
- Fractured Carbonates
- Regional Correlations
- Basement and Stratigraphic Sequences
- A-A’ Strike Oriented Section
- B-B’ Dip Oriented Section
- Play Fairway Mapping
- Source Rocks and Charge
- Reservoirs and Seals
- Play Fairway Map
- 2D Petroleum Systems Modeling
- Model Input
- Geometries
- Layering / Age Assignment
- Lithologies / Facies Assignment
- Boundary Conditions
- Paleo Water Depth (PWD)
- Sediment-Water Interface Temperature (SWIT)
- Heat Flow
- Petroleum Systems Elements
- Source Rock Properties
- Reservoirs
- Seals
- Fault Properties
- Erosion
- Special Modeling
- Calibration
- P/T Modeling Results
- DIP Line
- Strike Line
- Conclusions of the P/T Results
- Migration Modeling Results
- Dip Line
- Strike Line
- Modeling Conclusions
- Model Input
- Overall Conclusions
- References
- Annex I
- Annex II
- Annex III
- Annex IV
- Volume III
- Introduction
- Regional Geology
- Tectonic Evolution of the Equatorial Margin
- Ceará Structural and Stratigraphic Framework
- Rift Mega-Sequence
- Transitional Mega-Sequence
- Drift Mega-Sequence
- Exploratory History
- Petroleum System Overview through Geochemistry of Oils from Ceará Basin
- Characterization of the Oil Systems
- Biodegradation and Oil Quality
- Carbon Isotopic Signatures and n-Alkanes Distribution of the Oils
- Assignment of Oil Origin through Biomarkers Distribution
- Maturity Parameters and Oil Cracking
- Seismic Interpretation and Geological Characteristics of the Area
- Seismic Data Quality Control
- Navigation and Positioning
- Polarity and Phase
- Mis-Tie Analysis
- Diverse Processing Problems
- Well Tying
- Regional Mapping
- Economic Basement
- Middle Aptian Sequence (Mundaú Fm.)
- SAG Sequence (Trairi Mb.)
- Alagoas Sequence (Paracurú Fm. top)
- Albian-Cenomanian Sequence
- Turonian/Santonian Sequence
- Campanian/Maastrichtian Sequence
- Oligocene Sequence
- Tertiary/Quaternary Sequence
- Leads Definition
- Seismic Data Quality Control
- Stratigraphic Modeling
- Quality Control of Well Data (Conversion and Standardization of Log Files)
- Characterization of Potential Reservoirs
- Maastrichtian Sandstones
- Albian Cenomanian
- Alagoas Sandstones (Paracurú Formation and Trairi Member)
- Mundaú Sandstones
- Regional Correlations
- Correlated Sequences
- A-A’ Strike Oriented Section
- B-B’ Dip Oriented Section
- Play Fairway Mapping
- Source Rocks and Charge
- Reservoirs and Seals
- Play Fairway Map
- 2D Petroleum Systems Modeling
- Model Input
- 1D Modeling
- Calibration
- P/T Modeling Results
- DIP LINE Temperature
- DIP LINE Maturity
- DIP LINE Transformation Ratio
- DIP LINE Time Extractions
- DIP LINE Pressure
- STRIKE LINE Temperature
- STRIKE LINE Maturity
- STRIKE LINE Transformation Ratio
- STRIKE LINE Time Extractions
- STRIKE LINE Pressure
- Migration Modeling Results
- Lead Evaluation (Dip Line)
- Lead Evaluation (Strike Line)
- Modeling Conclusions
- Model Input
- Overall Conclusions
- References
- Volume IV
- Introduction
- Area Location
- Geological Framework
- Paleozoic Intracratonic Mega-Sequence
- Rift II Mega-Sequence
- Sag Mega-Sequence (Codó Group)
- Rift III Mega-Sequence (Canárias Group)
- Drift Mega-Sequence (Cajú and Humberto de Campos Groups)
- Laboratory Procedures
- Screening Analyses
- Gas Chromatography (GC) Analysis of Cans for Interstitial Gases
- Total Scanning Fluorescence (TSF)
- Gas chromatography (GC) Analysis for C15+ Hydrocarbons
- High Resolution Geochemical Technologies (HRGT)
- Diamondoids
- Screening Analyses
- Geochemical Results and Discussions
- Gas Chromatography (GC) Analysis of Cans for Interstitial Gases
- Total Scanning Fluorescence (TSF)
- Gas Chromatography of C15+ Hydrocarbons
- High Resolution Geochemical Technologies (HRGT)
- Contamination
- Conclusions
- References
List of Figures
- Volume I
- Location map of the Equatorial Brazilian basins. Note that the basins comprised in this project (Pará-Maranhão, Barreirinhas and Ceará) had its exploratory efforts limited to the shallow portion, as can be verified through the wells distribution. Note also, that the width of the platform increases towards the west.
- Schematic Cretaceous stages of the breakup between Africa and South America, and the tectonic evolution of the Equatorial Atlantic. The scheme shows the approximate location of the Bové, Benin, Ivory Coast, Keta, Senegal, Volta Basins, the Benue Trough of Africa and the Para-Maranhão Basin in Brazil during the (A) Hauterivian, 125 Ma; (B) early Albian, 110 Ma; (C) late Albian, 100 Ma; (D) Santonian, 85 Ma. Modified from Marinho and Mascle (1987).
- Tectonic evolution model for Gondwana supercontinent according Alkmin, 2001.
- Relative movements of the cratons of the Gondwana supercontinent (Veevers, 2004).
- Bathymetric map showing the fracture zones in the oceanic crust (lineaments in the sea floor topography displayed in white) of the Equatorial Margin and its correspondence with the gulf of Guinea in the African Counterpart elucidating the lateral movement between Africa and South America. These fracture zones also tend to offset sub-basins and affect sedimentation.
- Gravity map of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil displaying the location of major transform zones.
- Regional Map of the Equatorial and Northeastern Brazilian area displaying the magnetic data over the oceanic area and the geological information over the continental area. Note the interaction between the NE-SW and E-W lineaments. Note also that the E-W lineaments present in the Northeastern Brazil (Borborema province, e.g. Patos and Pernambuco Lineaments) is parallel to the oceanic fractures indicated in the Equatorial area, pointing to a common origin for both tectonic features.
- Main transform zones at the moment of the Gondwana breakup in the region of Equatorial Margin. Modified from Rabinowitz and LaBrecque (1979).
- Morphologic pattern of a transformant continental Margin (Oliveira, 2004)
- Geological scheme showing the stages related to the Aptian Rift II phase.
- Geological Scheme exemplifying the effects of the transform tectonics during the Albian Rift III phase.
- Tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Rift and transitional phases of the Equatorial margin. From the Middle Aptian age, the transcurrent faults delimitated the uplifted sites with predominance of continental sedimentation varying laterally to subsiding sites with transitional sedimentation containing evaporites. During the Lower Albian, the transcurrent tectonic got more intense, followed by the appearing of oceanic crust resulting in a reticulated outline typical of transform margins.
- Structural map of the platform area of Barreirinhas Basin.
- Beginning of the Rift phase with crustal stretching allied to transcurrent efforts. Transtensional conditions (Azevedo, 1986).
- Formation of intrabasin highs (Azevedo, 1986).
- Final of the Rift phase. Establishment of the spreading center and transpression process in the eastern portion of the basin. Formation of the Tutóia High (Azevedo, 1986).
- Beginning of the Drift phase (Azevedo, 1986).
- Gravity Map of the Barreirinhas basin. Note that the major curved positive anomaly is interpreted as being related to the limit of continental and oceanic crust. However, in some areas of the basin, seismic features points to a transitional crust rather than to an oceanic crust. For further information, please check the chapter 4.3.3. The two rounded anomalies outside (north) of the study area are interpreted as volcanic highs.
- (A) velocity profile of a three-layer model under gravitational sliding (Kehle 1970). (B) Relationship between compressive and distensional areas.
- Geometric model of gravitational landslide over a layer of ductile detachment (Modified from Knipe and Needham, 1986).
- Common structures related to gravitational landslides (Hanson, 1998)
- Figure23. Stratigraphic chart of the Barreirinhas basin (Trosdtorf Jr. et al. 2007).
- Drilled wells by year in the Barreirinhas basin. Note the lack of new wells between 1988 and 2009.
- Seismic survey per year in the Barreirinhas basin. Note that the graph does not present the 2010 seismic survey used in this work.
- Oil type map for the Barreirinhas Basin. Note that the oils recovered so far are predominantly in the onshore portion, the exception is the marine siliciclastic oil recovered in the well 1MAS 0020 MA.
- API gravity versus Depth (m) of the oils from the Barreirinhas Basin. Note that, as a general trend, the API gravity data of the oils do suggest a depth control for oil quality. The oils considered outside this trend are mixed oils composed by different contributions from marine hypersaline and marine anoxic petroleum systems.
- Oil quality assessment of the Barreirinhas oils. Note that oil mixtures and biodegradation do affect the sulfur data and do not allow good differentiation among the oil types. In general, the higher is the sulfur content the lower is the API gravity of the oils. Exceptions do occur with the mixed oils.
- API versus Saturates content of the Barreirinhas oils. Note that oil mixing and biodegradation do affect the bulk data and does not allow good differentiation among the oil types. Except the mixed oils, the higher is the saturate content higher is the API gravity of the oils.
- Pr/Phy ratio versus whole oil carbon isotope data of the Barreirinhas oils. Note that oil mixtures, thermal evolution and biodegradation do affect the carbon isotope data and does not allow good differentiation among the oil types. Except for the mixed oils, the higher the Pr/ Phy ratio, the lighter are the carbon isotope values of the oils.
- Gas chromatogram, m/z 191 and m/z 217 Fragmentograms of the oils from the well 1SJ 0001 MA. Note the marine hypersaline character of the oils at both 1469m and 1963m depth. Observe a similar biomarker signature, with the steranes showing low thermal evolution. Such data contrast the very high saturates content of these oils, suggesting oil mixing.
- Gas chromatogram, m/z 191 and m/z 217 Fragmentograms of the oils from the well 3SJ 0006 MA. Note the marine hypersaline and low maturity character of the oil at 1686m. By contrast, the oil at 2759m shows a marine anoxic character with much higher thermal evolution. Observe that the n-alkane trace of the samples at 1686m is a mixture of both oils.
- M/Z 231 Fragmentograms of two representative oil samples from Barreirinhas Basin.
- Terpane distribution (m/z 191) of the oil recovered from the well 1 EO 0001 MA showing the enrichment of C29 hopane in relation to C30 hopane. This ratio suggests the carbonatic influence in the Cajú source rocks deposition.
- Gammacerane index versus C35 / C34 hopanes content of the Barreirinhas oils. Note that oil mixtures do affect the biomarker data and does not allow good differentiation among the oil types from the Codó Source Rock. In general, the hypersaline oils from the Codó Formation contain very high amounts of gammacerane index. By contrast, the marine anoxic has higher C35/ C34 hopanes ratios.
- Gammacerane index versus hopane / sterane index content of Barreirinhas oils. In general, the hypersaline oils from the Codó Formation contain very high amounts of gammacerane and lower hopane/steranes ratios. On the other hand, the marine anoxic oils from the Cajú Formation oils have low gammacerane index and higher Hopane/sterane ratios (e.g. Mello, 1988).
- C27 / C28 Triaromatic steranes versus gammacerane index of Barreirinhas oils. As can be observed the Triaromatic steranes do differentiate the marine hypersaline from the marine anoxic oils (e.g. Mello, 1988; Peters and Moldowan, 1993).
- Plot of C29 versus C29 20S/ (20S + 20R) steranes of the Barreirinhas oils. Note that the marine anoxic oils from the Cajú Formation present the highest thermal evolution.
- Plot of Ts/ Tm versus diasterane index of the Barreirinhas oils. Although the Ts/Tm ratio can be used to assess thermal evolution, this ratio is closely linked to the origin of the oil.
- Barreirinhas location map displaying the 2D depth seismic lines interpreted in this work, the public drilled wells and the exploration blocks.
- Regional map of Barreirinhas Basin showing the distribution of the seismic lines interpreted in this study. Note that only four wells can be tied to the seismic survey in study. Because of this, some public lines in time were requested (yellow and gray lines), but not all of the requested lines were available (only the yellow lines), consequently the tying could not be improved.
- SEG-Y files part of our data asset. Barreirinhas Basin.
- Example of a Barreirinhas seismic line loaded in the software Petrel 2009 1.1
- SEG-Y’ header of the line 7088-BPM_PSDM_WHITH_POSTP_GAIN_DEPTH from SeiSee program. Take look in the X, Y lines (bytes X=73-76; Y=77-80; CDP=21-24; Number of samples in this trace=115-116). The wrong coordinates are the same for all bins.
- Petrel’ Settings Window showing the geodetics parameters used for Barreirinhas basin
- Petrel display showing a positive number as a peak and a negative number as a trough
- Polarity and color convention and definition of American and European Polarity. Brown et al, 2003.
- Subsurface features which can generate sufficiently high amplitude reflections to be useful for interpretative assessment of phase and polarity. Probable impedance profiles are drawn. Brown et al, 2003.
- Phase and Polarity circles presented diagrammatically for a impedance increase. Brown et al, 2003
- Initial color scheme pattern.
- Seabed reflection in deep water displaying zero – phaseness and American Polarity. Line 7461_BPM_PSDM_WITH_POSTP_GAIN_DEPTH.
- Composite line showing Dip and strike line. Note the symmetry between lines
- Settings of the wavelet used for the construction of the synthetic seismograms.
- Display logs of sonic (DT), density (RHOB) of the well 1MAS 0018A MA, more acoustic impedance, synthetic and lithologic profile from reports well. The synthetic seismogram in the last column was generated by convolving the digitized sonic and density logs with a wavelet shown in the Figure 56.
- Display logs of sonic (DT), density (DRHO), gamma ray (GR) of the well 1MAS 0030 MA, more acoustic impedance, synthetic and lithologic profile from reports well. The synthetic seismogram in the last column was generated by convolving the digitized sonic and density logs with a wavelet shown in the Figure 56.
- Display logs of sonic (DT), density (DRHO), gamma ray (GR) of the 1MAS 0013A MA well, more acoustic impedance, synthetic and lithologic profile from reports well.
- Display logs of sonic (DT), gamma ray (GR) of the 1PIS 0001 PI well, more acoustic impedance, synthetic and lithologic profile from reports well.
- Horizons and stratigraphic sequences mapped through seismic interpretation.
- Screenshot of the eleven (11) seismic horizons (plus the seabed) mapped in this work. Note that the tying wells are located before the shelf break and that they do not reach the Aptian sediments.
- The Paleozoic sequence of the Barreirinhas Basin was determined based on the experience of the geological-geophysical interpreters who have worked in the onshore portion of the Barreirinhas Basin, where seismic reflections are characterized by thick packages of horizontal reflectors with low frequency values (thick reflectors,
- . Differently from the onshore basin, the portion sampled by the seismic sections interpreted in this project are located over the Tutóia High, where the Paleozoic section is deformed by folds and faults that result in a big positive flower structure (Figure 64.). The peculiar characteristics of the Paleozoic section, however, remained after the deformation, allowing the identification and mapping of the unit, which has its northern boundary marked by the Romanche Fracture Zone (Figure 65).
- Zoom-in of the composite line presented in Figure 64 highlighting the reflection patterns of the Paleozoic (between Red and purple) and Rift (between purple and light orange) sections.
- Seismic composite (lines 7088 and 7209) displaying the Tutóia structural high that is associated to the transpressive deformation in the final stages of the rift phase.
- Structural map of the Paleozoic Section. Note that the Paleozoic record does not extend through the whole area, and that in the interception of Romanche and Grajaú lineaments, the Paleozoic sequence is deeper. The uplifted eastern area is related to the posterior transpressive tectonics at the south of Romanche (Aptian/Albian Times) that generated the Tutóia high.
- Structural map of the Upper Albian.
- Structural Map of the transitional crust. The Southern edge of the transitional crust was defined according the anomaly presented in the gravity data. Such limits are almost coincident with the current shelf break. The transitional character of this crust is better explained along the text of the chapters 2.2 and 4.3.2.).
- Isopach map of the Rift sequence (over the Paleozoic basement).
- Isopach map of the Rift sequence (over the transitional crust). Note that the major depocenters are located in the southeast area of the basin.
- Zoom-in of the seismic line 7481 displaying the Rift sedimentary section next to the normal faults of the transitional crust. Towards the east this sedimentation pattern of the rift sequence is less prominent. The pink line represents the top of the transitional crust, the dark blue represents the Albian and the light blue represents the Cenomanian.
- Seismic line 7449 displaying the difference between the isopach values of the rift sequence over the Paleozoic section and the transitional crust. The abruptly changing isopach values related to the transformant regime.
- Structural Map of the Cenomanian. Observe that the Cenomanian top presents the same rounded geometry structural low observed in the Albian structural map.
- Isopach map of the NeoAlbian-Cenomanian sequence. Note that the wider depocenters are located in the eastern domain.
- Structural Map of the Coniacian/Turonian. Note that the geometry of the top of the Coniacian/Turonian sequence is quite similar to the top of the NeoAlbian-Cenomanian sequence.
- Isopach map of the Cenomanian-Coniacian/Turonian sequence
- Structural Map of the Middle Campanian.
- Isopach map of the Coniacian/Turonian-Campanian sequence. Note that the thick sequence next to the well 1MAS 0003A MA refers to the area of major sediment input (fluvial environment). The non-interpolated areas correspond to the eroded sections.
- Structure drilled by the well 1DEV 0014 MA. The well target was the sandstones of the top of the Coniacian/Turonian-Campanian sequence and of the Campanian-Maastrichtian sequence.
- Zoom-in of the seismic line 7285 exemplifying the sandstones from the low stand system tract over the Middle Campanian surface.
- Structural Map of the Maastrichtian.
- Isopach map of the Campanian-Maastrichtian sequence. Note the thinning of the sequence towards the northwest portion of the basin.
- Zoom-in of the seismic line 7453 highlighting the thrusts resultant of the adiastrophic tectonics in the shelf edge, western domain of Barreirinhas Basin.
- Structural Map of the Middle Eocene.
- Isopach map of the Maastrichtian-Eocene sequence.
- Zoom-in of the seismic line 7112 highlighting the channel infilling of Eocene/Oligocene age. Barreirinhas Basin.
- Structural Map of the Lower Oligocene.
- Isopach map of the Eocene-Oligocene sequence. Note that the smaller isopach values are associated top of the “snake heads” just after the shelf break, where the Oligocene/Eocene sequence is thinner or even absent.
- Zoom-in of the seismic line 7469 exemplifying the stacking pattern of the Oligocene-Miocene sequence. Note the growing of the sedimentary section in the footwall of the listric fault.
- Structural map of the Upper Miocene.
- Isopach map of the Oligocene-Miocene sequence. Note that the bigger isopach values are associated to the space created by the adiastrophic tectonics in the platform edge.
- Isopach map of the Miocene-Recent sequence. Note that the bigger isopach values (in the vicinities of the wells and 1MAS 0030 MA and 1MAS 0007 MA) are associated to the space created by the adiastrophic tectonics in the platform edge.
- Sea bottom structural Map.
- Leads distribution according the reservoir. Barreirinhas basin. Note that the big leads are held by Maastrichtian reservoirs.
- Lead Mio_1 Summary Chart.
- Lead Mio_2 Summary Chart.
- Lead Mio_3 Summary Chart.
- Lead Mio_4 Summary Chart. This lead presents anticline geometries generated by subtle snake heads. Several amalgamated negative amplitude anomalies indicate the deposition of turbidite sands (siliciclastic or carbonatics).
- Lead Olig_1 Summary Chart.
- Lead Eoc_1 Summary Chart. This lead presents anticline geometries generated by the snake heads. Several amalgamated negative amplitude anomalies indicate the deposition of turbidite sands (siliciclastic or carbonatics). Several situations propitious to upsides toward the Oligocene and Miocene.
- Lead Maast_1 Summary Chart. This lead presents anticline geometries generated by the snake heads. Several amalgamated negative amplitude anomalies indicate the deposition of turbidite sands (siliciclastic or carbonatics).
- Lead Maast_2 Summary Chart. Anticline formed in the footwall of the listric faults dipping to north. Incipient structures with non-proved lateral closure. Presence of negative amplitude anomalies, probably related to siliciclastic turbidite reservoirs. It is important to consider the stratigraphic entrapment for these reservoirs.
- Lead Eoc_2 Summary Chart. Anticline formed in the footwall of the listric faults dipping to north. Incipient structures with non-proved lateral closure. Presence of negative amplitude anomalies, probably related to siliciclastic turbidite reservoirs. It is important to consider the stratigraphic entrapment for these reservoirs. Consider the up-sides toward the Eocene and the downside toward the Maastrichtian.
- Lead Maast_3 and Maast_4 Summary Chart. Stacked leads. Anticline formed in the footwall of the listric faults dipping to north. Incipient structures with non-proved lateral closure. Presence of negative amplitude anomalies, probably related to siliciclastic turbidite reservoirs. It is important to consider the stratigraphic entrapment for these reservoirs. Consider the up-sides toward the Eocene –Paleocene.
- Lead Maast_5 Summary Chart. Anticline formed in the footwall of the listric faults dipping to north. Incipient structures with non-proved lateral closure. Presence of negative amplitude anomalies, probably related to siliciclastic turbidite reservoirs. It is important to consider the stratigraphic entrapment for these reservoirs. Consider the up-sides toward the Eocene –Paleocene.
- Lead Maast_6 Summary Chart. Anticline formed in the footwall of the listric faults dipping to north. Incipient structures with non-proved lateral closure. Presence of negative amplitude anomalies, probably related to siliciclastic turbidite reservoirs. It is important to consider the stratigraphic entrapment for these reservoirs. Consider the up-sides toward the Eocene –Paleocene and Down-side toward the Campanian.
- Lead Con_1 Summary Chart. The Coniacian reservoirs are deposited in ultra-deep waters. Probably the turbidites present low efficiency, but with lateral continuity. Entrapment essentially stratigraphic.
- Example of the conversion of .lis to .las files, and their certification by the Schlumberger software
- Example of the gaps found in the gamma ray logs and the correction through the interpolation (left). Example of resistivity log containing displacements in the depth (right)
- Example of distinct unities in the same log.
- NPHI x Neutrao Crossplot (GR: 0 to 50°API) of the well 1MAS 0030 MA, from 3690 to 3705m. The data displayed ratify the lithologic composition of sandstones with high content of clay.
- Input of the Equations for the analyzed interval in the well 1MAS 0030 MA: Conservative GR clean and GR Shale.
- Petrophysical evaluation of the well 1MAS 0030 MA. Phie ranges from 10 to 20% and the Sw from 30 to 40%.
- Analyzed turbidite interval from the well 1MAS 0013 MA.
- NPHI x Neutron Crossplot (GR: 0 to 70°API) of the well 1MAS 0013 MA, from 3930m to 4130m. The data displayed ratify the lithologic composition of sandstones with high content of clay.
- Input of the Equations for the analyzed interval in the well 1MAS 0013 MA: Conservative GR clean and GR Shale.
- Petrophysical evaluation of the well 1MAS 0013 MA. Phie ranges from 10 to 18%.
- Stretch of the well 1PAS0011PA showing the reservoir interval from 4280 to 4360m.
- Stretch of the well 1PAS0009PA showing the producer interval.
- Location Map of the regional geological well sections developed in the Barreirinhas Basin.
- Dip Oriented seismic line (7213-BPM_PSDM_WITH_POSTP_GAIN_DEPTH) displaying the Tutóia structural high, eastern border of Barreirinhas basin. Note that the seismic line displayed crosses transversally the Romanche lineament. To the south of the Romanche lineament, transpressive tectonic efforts are responsible for the uplift of Paleozoic and Rift sequences, whereas towards the north of the Romanche the non-deformed marine sedimentation predominates. As the Romanche lineament defines two areas affected by tectonic efforts completely distinct, it cannot be traced a direct correlation between the Paleozoic and continental strata (at the south of Romanche) and the marine strata (at the north) in such dip oriented line.
- Seismic line 7201-BPM_PSDM_WITH_POSTP_GAIN_DEPTH highlighting the Paleozoic sequence. Note the occurrence of very deep (between 9000 and 10 000m) low frequency plane-parallel reflectors interpreted as Paleozoic sediments.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0001 MA exemplifying the Rift sediments.
- Composite log of the wells 1MAS 0003A MA, 1MAS 0023A MA and 1PIS 0001 PI exemplifying the Codó Formation according the interpretation of the lithologic association. Note the low velocity of the Sag shales displayed through the DT profile of the well 1MAS 0023 MA.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0001 MA displaying the Upper Aptian/ Lower Albian sequence defined according the interpretation of the lithostratigraphy and electrical profiles.
- Geological Model for the deposition of the Lower Albian sequence. Note that the sandy siliciclastics recovered in the well 1MAS 00023A MA correspond to the distal facies of the sediments from the African source area. The well 2FA 0001 MA, also displayed in the figure, would represent an even more distal facies of the input area.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0001 MA displaying the Cajú Group, Albian-Cenomanian Sequence.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0001 MA displaying the Cenomanian defined according the interpretation of the lithostratigraphy and electrical profiles.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0014 MA highlighting the three fining-upwards cycles characteristic of the Turonian/Santonian sequence.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS0002MA highlighting the Turonian/Santonian sequence defined according the interpretation of the biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and electrical profiles. Note the establishment of a carbonatic platform in the top of the Turonian/Santonian sequence.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0003A MA highlighting the Campanian/Maastrichtian sequence defined according the interpretation of the biostratigraphy content.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0018A MA highlighting the Paleocene/Eocene sequence defined according the interpretation of the biostratigraphy content. Note the establishment of a carbonatic platform.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0003A MA highlighting the Oligocene/Miocene sequence defined according the interpretation of the biostratigraphy content.
- Zoom-in of the Figure 12 displaying the location of the A-A’ strike oriented well section in relation to the major basin structures and the respective sedimentological characteristics according the geological model used in this work.
- A-A’ strike oriented well correlation using the Petrel Software.
- A-A’ strike oriented geological section. Note that the structural and stratigraphic framework of the A-A’ section may not be extrapolated to the deep basin. For further information please check the text and Figure 133.
- B-B’ dip oriented geological section. Note that the onshore/near shore areas, where the wells are located, are affected by intense transcurrent tectonism that uplifted the continental rift sediments, whereas the deep basin area presents a sedimentological behavior more similar to a passive basin.
- Total organic carbon content of the Codó Formation in the well 1CI 0001MA drilled in the Parnaíba Basin (after Rodrigues & Takaki, 1989).
- Gas data from wells drilled in the onshore Barreirinhas Basin (after Rodrigues & Takaki, 1989).
- Plot of natural series versus depth based on Total Organic Carbon and Pyrolysis Rock Eval data from the onshore wells of the Barreirinhas Basin.
- Rock Geochemical log of the well 1MAS 0023 MA showing the good characteristics of the Albian source rock. Note the high TOC and hydrogen indexes associated to the Bom Gosto Formation. According to the temperature data (Tmax) this source rock is in the beginning of the oil window.
- Speculative sites of generation windows for the Albian source rock in Barreirinhas basin (green: oil window; red: gas window; Yellow: Overmature). This map was generated assuming the maturation results from the base case scenario of the 2D petroleum system modeling presented in the chapter 6 of the present report. The exploration results as the occurrence of oil and gas shows in the recently drilled wells fit with the generation windows roughly proposed here.
- Speculative sites of generation windows for the Turonian source rock in Barreirinhas basin (green: oil window; red: gas window). This map was generated assuming the maturation results from the base case scenario of 2D petroleum system modeling presented in the Annex IV.
- Lithofacies association Model for the Miocene Sequence. This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0018 MA exemplifying the lithofacies association of the ‘Carbonatic Platform’.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0007 MA exemplifying the facies association of the ‘Mixed Platform’ developed from the Lower Miocene to the top of the Middle Miocene.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0004A MA exemplifying the facies association of the ‘Siliciclastic Channel’. Other wells as the 1MAS 0003A MA are also good examples of the Miocene Siliciclastic input.
- Zoom-in of the seismic line 7261_BPM_PSDM exemplifying the high amplitude reflectors in the Miocene Sequence that may be related to the development of turbidites. The mapping of such features helped in the delineation of the turbidite bodies of Figure 143.
- Lithofacies association Model for the Eocene/Oligocene Sequence. This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0015 MA exemplifying the facies association of the Eocene Oligocene ‘Mixed Platform’. Note the major input of coarse siliciclastics in relation to the overlying sequence.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0007 MA exemplifying the facies association of the ‘Slope Deposits’. Note that the record of the 1MAS 0007 MA denotes a shallowing in the final of the Oligocene (the Eocene Oligocene Slope grades to a Miocene Platform). Note also that the lithofacies association typify to the “Slope Deposits” with major contribution of the ‘Siliciclastic Platform’.
- Zoom-in of the seismic line (7309_BPM_PSDM) exemplifying of the seismic anomaly used to delimit the siliciclastic turbidite of the Figure 148.
- Lithofacies association Model for the Upper Campanian/Maastrichtian Sequence. This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0002 MA exemplifying the facies association of the ‘Siliciclastic Platform’.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0018 MA exemplifying the facies association of the ‘Slope Deposits’.
- Seismic line 7345 exemplifying the Petrobrás prospect that targets the Maastrichtian Siliciclastic Turbidites.
- Maastrichtian/Campanian Sequence in the seismic line (7293_BPM_PSDM), exemplifying a strong amplitude and low frequency reflector that may be interpreted as a siliciclastic turbidite (Figure 157).
- Depositional Model of the Coniacian Sequence. This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Composite log of the well 1MAS 0015 MA exemplifying the facies association of the ‘Slope Deposits’. Note that the sandstones presented in the upper part of the sequence may be related to the channel deposits.
- Zoom-in of the seismic line 7469 exemplifying the entrapment conditions in the Platform and in the slope areas.
- Play fairway Map of Barreirinhas basin.
- Base Map of the Barreirinhas basin. Location of modeled seismic lines is displayed in red.
- Input geometries and seismic image of the dip line (BPM-PSDM-7385). The line runs approximately southwest (left) to northeast (right), and is approximately 143km long.
- Gridded layer stack of BPM-PSDM-7385 with seismic image (top) and without seismic image displayed. Compare the layer naming with naming of horizons in Figure 162.
- Input geometries and seismic image of the strike line (BPM-PSDM-7112). The line runs approximately northwest (left) to southeast (right), and is approximately 270km long.
- Gridded layer stack of the BPM-PSDM-7112 with seismic image.
- Assignment table of the models with initial layering.
- Fine layering of the dip line as used in the simulations. Note that black colors are used for source intervals. Light yellow and light blue colors depict reservoir layers.
- Age Assignment table as used in both models. Black rectangles highlight source layers, yellow rectangles highlight potential reservoir layers. Note that ages of erosional events (see below) are also included in the table.
- Facies Definition Table as used in both models. The table additionally contains source rock properties, such as TOC, HI, and kinetics.
- Facies distribution in the model of the dip line. Note gradual changes of facies in the shelf-slope area. Green colors generally depict shaly facies types. Yellow colors indicate potential turbidite reservoirs. Note black color of volcanic build-up in the deep-water area.
- Facies distribution of the model of the strike line. The color-coding for this line differs slightly from that one used in the dip line. Shaly lithologies prevail in the Cretaceous and in the entire deep water domain. See Figure 169 for further explanations.
- Model geometries showing PWD of the dip line at 94 Ma (top), and at 40 Ma (bottom). Note the gradual increase of water depth in the deep basin. Shallow water (Albian) to very shallow water conditions (Tertiary) prevailed on the shelf.
- Continental Drift (black line) vs. global climate (color code) as used to model SWIT based on Wygrala, 1989.
- Exemplary heat flow history as used in the model, shown for a location at the shelf slope in the dip line model.
- Kinetic scheme of the IES_TII_Toarcian_Shale_4C kinetic.
- Model of the dip line with layer overlay. Two unconformities are displayed (red, meandering lines). The lower unconformity / erosion took place at the end of the Cretaceous, and in several layers in the Tertiary.
- Location of projected wells with calibration data in the model of the DIP line. The reader is referred to Figure 161 for map view of well locations.
- Location of projected wells with calibration data in the model of the strike line. From left to right: 1MAS 0018A MA; 1MAS 0030 MA (left, NW); 1MAS 0003A MA (right, SE).
- Temperature calibration of 1MAS 0013A MA (left) and 1MAS 0007 MA (right) in the dip line. The calibrated model shows a good fit to the cluster of available data (black crosses).
- Calibration of vitrinite reflectance, 1MAS 0013A MA (left) and 1MAS 0007 MA (right) in the dip line. The model also yields a good fit with the VR data available from onshore wells.
- Calibration on temperature data from 1MAS 0018A MA and 1MAS 0030 MA (left), and calibration of vitrinite reflectance data from 1MAS 0003A MA (right). Good fit to data without much modification to the crustal results. Note very high modeled range of temperature and maturity at depth.
- Present Day temperature of the dip line model, base case scenario. Location of time extractions (next figure) is indicated with pink dots. The general temperature profile displays very high values.
- Time Extractions showing the temperature history of potential Cretaceous turbidite plays: Upper Albian (top), Turonian (middle) and Coniancian (bottom). Extraction locations are displayed in Figure 182. Red lines indicate 150°C. The “kinks” in the curves are due to erosion.
- Present day temperature of the scenario “HF_70-40_noErosion”. Temperature values are from roughly equal locations as the extractions shown in the previous figure.
- Present day temperature of a “realistic”, but still “cold” scenario.
- Present day maturity of the dip line, base case scenario. Overlay is displayed for the whole section (top), and for the source intervals only (bottom). Blue color indicates immaturity, green colors show oil window maturity, red is for gas window, yellow for overmature. The sources are largely overmature.
- Present day maturity of source intervals in the “very cold” scenario. The Codó source rock is in the gas window. The Cajú source rock is also largely in the gas window, except for a small area far inboard, which is in the late oil window.
- Transformation Ratio of sources in the unrealistically cold scenario. The sources are completely transformed. The overlay is not displayed for crystalline rocks (basement and volcanics).
- Time extraction of the Codó source rock transformation history. Locations are displayed in the right-hand figure (pink dots).
- Transformation Ratio history of the Codó source rock at the extremely cold scenario.
- Time extractions of the shallower source rock (base case). Locations are displayed in the right-hand figure (pink dots).
- Distribution of Hydraulic Pressure Excess. Overpressure is present inboard of the shelf slope. Note that the range of values is -10 -60 MPa in this figure.
- Modeled porosity distribution.
- Present day temperature of the strike line, base case scenario. The Early Tertiary sequence is buried deeply in the deepwater domain. Red arrows indicate location of the K/T boundary for reference. Pink dots indicate location of time extractions. The upward bulge located in the slope area is due to the sudden change of sediment surface temperature and thick Neogene deposits.
- Sensitivity testing of present day temperature: Very cold scenario (HF70-40).
- Time Extractions showing the potential temperature history variability of the Cretaceous turbidite plays. Extraction locations are displayed in Figure 195 (pink dots). Red line indicates 150°C. The light blue line shows the temperature history of a reservoir, which is located in the platform area. Its temperature reached approximately 100°C very early and has stayed within this range ever since.
- Maturity of the strike line as modeled in the base case scenario. Entire section (top) and source intervals only (bottom). Blue color indicates immaturity, green colors show oil window maturity, red is for gas window, and yellow indicates overmaturity. The deepwater domain only comprises overmature sources. The sources are immature (Preguicas) or within the oil window (Codó equivalent) in the platform domain.
- Transformation ratio of sources in the base case scenario. The marine source rock is completely cooked in the deep water area. Transformation in the platform area is incomplete. The result may indicate the presence of a working petroleum system at present day.
- Sensitivity testing of transformation ratio. Scenario with Pepper & Corvi (1995) kinetics. Both sources seem to have already generated part of their charge potential in the platform area.
- Time extractions of the Codó / Rift source rock (base case). Location is displayed in the right-hand figure (pink dots). Left figure: Black and red curves show temperature through time. Purple and blue curves show transformation ratio. Note the ongoing transformation at present day (blue curve).
- Time extractions of the marine source rock (base case). Location is displayed in the right-hand figure (pink dots). Left figure: Black and red curves show temperature through time. Blue and purple curves show transformation ratio.
- Pressure Excess Hydraulic in the base case scenario. Note that the range of values is -10 – 90 MPa in this figure.
- Porosity of the strike section as modeled in the base case. Acceptable reservoir porosities are present in the platform area and in the uppermost plays within the deep basin.
- Migration history of the Dip line. Displayed time steps are 99 Ma, 94 Ma, 89 Ma, and 77 Ma. See next page for further explanation.
- Migration history of the base case scenario. Displayed time steps are 65 Ma, 12 Ma, and Present Day. The blue overlay colors indicate areas with petroleum saturation above zero. Green vectors depict liquid, red vectors vaporous hydrocarbons. Charge occurred mostly before the end of the Cretaceous.
- Modeled accumulations at present day. A selection is highlighted with red circles. The total composition of accumulated petroleum is displayed in the bottom figures at in-situ conditions (left), and flashed to surface conditions (right). The indicated API values are not accurate. Very small amounts are trapped at present day.
- Dip line modeled with Pepper&Corvi kinetics. Accumulations are partly larger, and gas /condensate is liquefied at great depth. The total amount of accumulated gas is increased.
- Migration simulation results of the scenario “HF-5mW_Tert-10mW”, a realistic cold scenario. The overall quantities of gas are hardly changed, the amount of oil trapped in the system is higher, but remains small.
- Migration simulation results of the scenario “HF-5mW_Tert-10mW_BadSeals”. The overall quantities of gas are decreased. The amount of oil trapped in the system is larger, but remains small.
- Migration history of the strike line. Displayed time steps are 94 Ma, 88 Ma, 84 Ma, 66 Ma, 11 Ma, and present day. Gassy charge in the deep water domain was largely lost at the surface very early, while the platform area shows a working petroleum system at present day
- Present day accumulations (partly highlighted with red circles) and total composition of trapped hydrocarbons. 90% of the trapped gas (mainly in the deepwater area) originates from the marine source, while the amount of trapped oil (mainly in the platform area) is sourced equally from both sources. The red rectangle shows the location of the zoom-in displayed in Figure 212.
- Present day accumulations (partly highlighted with red circles) and composition of hydrocarbons. Additionally, vectors and saturation are displayed. Note depth legend at left margin of the figure.
- Zoom-in into the platform area. “Accumulation 1” in the assumed Upper Albian reservoir layer is highlighted. Additionally, vectors and saturation are displayed.
- The section with all accumulation displayed, as modeled in the scenario using Pepper kinetics.
- Simulation results of the scenario “-5mW_Tert-10mW_BadSeals_RichSources”. The overall result is not significantly modified.
- Zoom-in of the scenario testing the potential of ‘Accumulation 1’.
- Event chart of Barreirinhas Basin showing the main events during the evolution of the petroleum system of the basin.
- Volume II
- Location map of the Equatorial Brazilian basins. Note that the basins comprised in this project (Pará-Maranhão) had its exploratory efforts limited to the shallow portion, as can be verified through the wells distribution. Note also, that the width of the platform increases towards the west.
- Schematic Cretaceous stages of the breakup between Africa and South America, and the tectonic evolution of the Equatorial Atlantic. The scheme shows the approximate location of the Bové, Benin, Ivory Coast, Keta, Senegal, Volta Basins, the Benue Trough of Africa and the Para-Maranhao Basin in Brazil during the (A) Hauterivian, 125 Ma; (B) early Albian, 110 Ma; (C) late Albian, 100 Ma; (D) Santonian, 85 Ma. Modified from Marinho and Mascle (1987).
- Tectonic evolution model for Gondwana supercontinent according Alkmin, 2001.
- Relative movements of the cratons of the Gondwana supercontinent (Veevers, 2004).
- Bathymetric map showing the fracture zones in the oceanic crust (lineaments in the sea floor topography displayed in white) of the Equatorial Margin and its correspondence with the gulf of Guinea in the African Counterpart elucidating the lateral movement between Africa and South America. These fracture zones also tend to offset sub-basins and affect sedimentation.
- Gravimetric map of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil displaying the location of major transform zones.
- Regional Map of the Equatorial and Northeastern Brazilian area displaying the magnetic data over the oceanic area and the geological information over the continental area. Note the interaction between the NE-SW and E-W lineaments. Note also that the E-W lineaments present in the Northeastern Brazil (Borborema province, e.g. Patos and Pernambuco Lineaments) is parallel to the oceanic fractures indicated in the Equatorial area, pointing to a common origin for both tectonic features.
- Main transform zones at the moment of the Gondwana breakup in the region of Equatorial Margin. Modified from Rabinowitz and LaBrecque (1979).
- Morphologic pattern of a transformant continental Margin (Oliveira, 2004)
- Geological scheme showing the stages related to the Aptian Rift II phase.
- Geological Scheme exemplifying the effects of the transform tectonics during the Albian Rift III phase.
- Tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Rift and transitional phases of the Equatorial margin. From the Middle Aptian age, the transcurrent faults delimitated the uplifted sites with predominance of continental sedimentation varying laterally to subsiding sites with transitional sedimentation containing evaporites. During the Lower Albian, the transcurrent tectonic got more intense, followed by the appearance of oceanic crust resulting in a reticulated outline typical of transform margins.
- Structural map of the platform area of Pará-Maranhão Basin (modified from Zanotto and Szatmari, 1987). The white dots indicate the limit of the Ilha de Santana platform. Note that the Gurupi structural high marks a shift in the direction of the basin structures from NW-SE (in its eastern) to E-W (in its western portion).
- Structural map of the platform area of Pará-Maranhão Basin highlighting the different fault sets (Equatorial System Faults) in the region. To the West of Ilha de Santana Gabren two sets faults predominates E-W and NNE-SSW, and to the East, NW-SE and NNW-SSE fault systems predominate.
- Gravimetric Map of the Pará-Maranhão basin. Note that the limit of the Ilha de Santana platform and the Eastern depocenter are well delimitated by the anomalies to the east of Gurupi arch.
- Models of structural traps associated with positive (a) and negative (b) flower-structures from Pará-Maranhão basin (Rostirolla et al. 1999)
- Schematic model of a continental margin affected by gravity sliding. The topographic difference increases with the differential thermal subsidence and with the tectonic uplifting, and decreases with the proximal subsidence due to the sedimentary load. (Rowan et al., 2004).
- DIP oriented geological section of Pará-Maranhão basin displaying the main structures related to the extensional and compressive regimes.
- DIP oriented seismic section of Pará-Maranhão Basin exemplifying the plays associated to the extensional regime.
- 3D diagram exemplifying the structures and the mechanism related to the gravitational sliding.
- Seismic examples of fold-thrust belts in the Pará-Maranhão Basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin (modified from Zalán, 2005).
- Stratigraphic chart displaying the overall facies association of the five main tectono-stratigraphic sequences of Pará-Maranhão (Soares et al, 2007).
- Seismic lines in time of Pará-Maranhão basin. Note that the seismic coverage does not comprehend the deep basin domains, restricting the exploration efforts to the shelf and slope area.
- Drilled wells by year, Pará-Maranhão basin. Note the lack of exploratory effort during the 90’s.
- Different time seismic lines exemplifying the quality differences between the public vintages.
- Exploration blocks in Pará-Maranhão Basin and its respective consortiums.
- Source Correlation between 1APS0036AP Rock Extract of Tertiary Source & 1PAS0011PA and 1PAS0009PA Oils (Mello, 1988)
- Assessment of oil origin using the Oleanane index and the ratio between C28 and C29 Steranes. High concentrations of Oleanane as the ones related to the oils recovered from the wells 1PAS0011PA and 1PAS0009PA are indicative of Tertiary source rocks.
- m/z 191 fragmentograms from a Tertiary (1PAS0011PA) and an Albo-Cenomanian (1MAS0012MA) oil showing its difference in the terpane distribution. The most remarkable differencebetween these oils is the presence of the pentacyclic terpane 18α(H)-Oleanane in the Tertiary one. The Albian-Cenomanian oil presents 25-norhopane, pointing to the existence of paleobiodegradation. The abundance of extended tricyclics in the sample 1MAS0012MA is an indication of anoxic marine environment. .
- Thermal evolution assessment of Pará-Maranhão oils using common biomarker parameters.
- Hydrocarbon Cracking assessment using quantitative diamondoids analyses. Note that the oil recovered from the well 1PAS0011PA is 77% cracked and the oil recovered from the well 1PAS0009PA is 85% cracked.
- m/z 259 fragmentograms showing the predominance of tetracyclic poliprenoids (TPP), a lacustrine marker, over the C27 diasteranes, a marine marker.
- Assessment of Paleobiodegradation (left graph) and recent biodegradation (right graph) according the reservoir depth of the oils from Pará-Maranhão basin. Note the slight increase of both ratios with the shallowing of the reservoir.
- Paleobiodegradation versus recent biodegradation of the oils from Pará-Maranhão basin.
- Pará-Maranhão location map displaying the 2D depth seismic lines interpreted in this work, the drilled wells and the exploration blocks.
- SEG-Y files stored on network IPEX’ drives
- Survey BA2 loaded in software Petrel 2009 1.1
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 55801
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 59001
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 62201
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 65401
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 68601
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 71801
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 75001
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 78201
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 81401
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 84601
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 103801
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 111801
- Navigation map of 2D seismic lines. Line BA2 113401
- Petrel’ Settings Window showing the geodetics parameters used for Pará-Maranhão basin.
- Petrel display showing a positive number as a peak and a negative number as a trough.
- Polarity and color convention and definition of American and European Polarity. Brown et al, 2003.
- Subsurface features which can generate sufficiently high amplitude reflections to be useful for interpretative assessment of phase and polarity. Probable impedance profiles are drawn. Brown et al, 2003.
- Phase and Polarity circles presented diagrammatically for an impedance increase. Brown et al, 2003.
- Initial color scheme pattern.
- Seabed reflection in deep water displaying zero – phaseness and American Polarity. Line BA2 91001.
- Carbonate reflection displaying zero phase. The central lobe is blue and the carbonate is hard; thus the data are American Polarity. Line BA2 62201.
- Basement reflection displaying zero phase. The central lobe is blue and the basement is hard; thus the data are American Polarity. Line BA2 81401.
- Composite line showing Dip and strike line. Note the symmetry between lines.
- 3D window showing the perfect relationship between lines of survey BA2.
- Settings of the wavelet used for the construction of the synthetic seismograms.
- Display of the long projection distance between the seismic line and the original well, which prevents the data correlation.
- TVD seismic section with the synthetic seismogram of the well 1MAS0010MA well. The mismatch between the synthetic seismogram and the seismic line is due the distance between the line and the original well (averaging 2.6Km).
- Display logs of sonic (DT), density (RHOB), gamma ray (GR) of the 1-MAS-10-MA well, more acoustic impedance, synthetic and lithologic profile. The synthetic seismogram in the second column was generated by convolving the digitized sonic and density logs with a wavelet shown in the Figure 71 and by comparing geological markers picked on logs, such as the sandstone top in this display, with major reflections on the seismic section.
- Display of gamma ray (GR), sonic (DT), density (DRHO) logs of the well 1MAS0020MA plus acoustic impedance, synthetic and lithology profile.
- Display of gamma ray (GR), sonic (DT), density (RHOB) logs from the well 1PAS0020PA plus the reflection impedance, synthetic and lithology profile.
- Stratigraphic chart of the Pará-Maranhão Basin with the identification of the eight horizons mapped (plus the sea bed) in this work.
- Screenshot of the eight seismic horizons (plus the seabed) mapped in this work.
- Structural map in depth of the basement. Note the major tectonic structures highlighted.
- Seismic Line 91001 exemplifying the volcanic highs in the offshore portion of the basin. These volcanic structures are aligned to the oceanic fracture zone of São Paulo.
- P Wave velocity model (bottom) of French Guiana margin. A simplified illustration of the interpreted crustal units is also shown (middle). Velocities are color-coded and contour annotated in km.s-1. S1 – S5 are sedimentar layers. Layer 2 and Layer 3 refer to interpreted oceanic crust layers while the continental crust is divided into Upper Crust and Lower Crust layers. In both cases the 6 km.s-1 iso-velocity contour marks the transition between the two crustal layers. Crustal ages and fracture zone traces (after Muller et al. 1998) are annoted. P-wave velocities were converted into density as outline in text and the free-air gravity anomaly calculated (solid red line) for comparison (top) with that acquired whilst seismic surveying (dashed).
- Detail of the seismic line BA2103801_PSDM showing that the geometry of the crustal units is similar to the model of Greenroyd et al. (2007).
- Example of the interpretation of the possible Transitional Crust limit. Seismic Line 33400.
- Seismic line BA2_20600_PSDM exemplifying the seismostratigraphic pattern of the Codó and Rift II sequences. The well displayed is the 1MAS0008MA.
- Structural map in depth of the Codó Fm.
- Isopach map in meters of the Codó Fm. plus Rift II Sequences.
- Detachment fault model of passive continental margins with lower-plate or upper-plate characteristics. Lower-plate margin (left) has a complex structure; tilted blocks are remnants from upper plate, above bowed-up detachment faults. Multiple detachment has led to two generations of tilted blocks in diagram shown. Upper-plate margin (right) is relatively unstructured. Uplift of adjacent continent is caused by under plating of igneous rocks. Opposite passive margin pairs exhibit marked but complementary features (Wernicke, 1985).
- Seismic line BA2_107001_PSDM showing the Lower Albian sequence crossed by the well 1MAS0026MA.
- Structural Map in depth of the Lower Albian. The non interpolated areas indicate the presence of volcanic rocks.
- Isopach map in meters of the Lower Albian Sequence.
- Seismic line BA2_103801_PSDM showing the Santonian/Turonian sequence crossed by the well 1MAS0028MA.Observe the thickening of the Santonian/Turonian sequence controlled by the flower structure.
- Structural Map in depth of the Santonian/Turonian. The non interpolated areas indicate the presence of volcanic rocks.
- Isopach map in meters of the Santonian/Turonian Sequence.
- Main structures associated to the detachment surface related to the Cretaceous top. Seismic line BA2_0622001_PSDM.
- Structural map in depth of the Cretaceous top. The non interpolated areas indicate the presence of volcanic rocks.
- Isopach map in meters of the Upper Cretaceous Sequence.
- Detail of the seismic line BA2_094201_PSDM highlighting the progradation at the shelf edge.
- Detail of the seismic line BA2_0622001_PSDM showing that most of the adiastrophic efforts are not transferred to the Oligocene layers.
- Seismic line BA2_0622001_PSDM exemplifying the extensional and compressive domains. Note that the presence of volcanic rocks may have acted as a bulkhead for the sedimentary flow, conditioning therefore the presence of the compressive structures.
- Simplified model for evolution of fold and thrust belts from the compartment SE of the Foz do Amazonas. Dashed lines indicate surfaces decollement. Modified from Perovano et al, 2009.
- 3D view of the Pará-Maranhão basin showing the Slope 2 fault that conditions the presence of rollovers and snakeheads in the Eocene sequence.
- Middle Eocene structural map in depth. The non interpolated areas indicate the presence of volcanic rocks.
- Isopach map in meters of Middle Eocene Sequence. Note that the “depocenter” in the area of the well 1PAS0011PA is filled by platformal carbonates, whereas the other areas of thick sedimentary section (after the shelf break) correspond to the maximum shortening of the basin.
- Seismic line BA2_91001_PSDM showing the slump deformation just after the shelf break and the parallelism of the Oligocene reflectors in the platform and deep water.
- Middle Oligocene structural map in depth. The non interpolated areas indicate the presence of volcanic rocks.
- Isopach map in meters of the Middle Oligocene Sequence.
- Seismic line BA2_113401_PSDM indicating the tectonic reactivation through gravitational movements.
- Middle Miocene structural map in depth. The non interpolated areas indicate the presence of volcanic rocks.
- Isopach map in meters of Middle Miocene Sequence.
- Structural map in depth of the sea bottom.
- Leads distribution according the play types. Pará-Maranhão basin. Note that most of the leads (regardless the play type) are associated to rollover structures developed in the slope area, what categorizes this area as having a high exploratory interest.
- Recovered Oil Volume versus Play Type. Pará-Maranhão Basin. Note that most of the oil is expected to occur in plays related to the Syn-Rift and Cretaceous sandstones what may represent a breakthrough in the exploration of Pará-Maranhão basin since most of the targets were related to the Tertiary Carbonates so far.
- Lead 01 Summary Chart. Note that the Middle Oligocene structural map suggests a slight structural closure that is also related to the presence of the main slope fault (in yellow), however this lead was clearly identified in only one seismic line. A less spaced seismic grid is suggested in order to verify the continuity and closure related to this lead.
- Lead 02 Summary Chart. The reservoir speculated for this lead is associated to the shelf sands reworked during the Lower Chatian sea level fall. The structural map points to a slight structural entrapment.
- Lead 02a Summary Chart. This lead seems to be the basinwards continuation of the Lead 02.The individualization between the L02 and L02a therefore is given by an antithetic fault that segments the seismic anomaly into two.
- Lead 03 Summary Chart. This lead was clearly identified in only one seismic line. A less spaced seismic grid is suggested in order to verify the continuity and closure related to this lead.
- Lead 04 Summary Chart. This lead was marked in several seismic lines (see Table 7) what corroborates its good continuity, allowing better predictions. The structural map displayed above intend to demonstrate the lead continuity rather than its closure, since the entrapment is related to stratigraphic conditions.
- Lead 05 Summary Chart. This lead was marked in several seismic lines (see Table 7) what corroborates its good continuity, allowing better predictions. The structural map displayed above intend to demonstrate the lead continuity rather than its closure, since the entrapment is related to stratigraphic conditions (down dip pinch out (NW) and vertical faulting (SE)).
- Lead 06 Summary Chart. The Middle Eocene structural map (mapped horizon just above the lead anomaly) points to a structural closure.
- Lead 06a Summary Chart. This lead, just like the lead 06, is associated with the imbrications zone of the Eocene layer. This zone, generated by adiastrophic movements concentrate a considerable volume of faults that may act as both seals and hydrocarbon pathways.
- Lead 07 Summary Chart. The lack of structural enclosure displayed in the map turns the “entrapment” one of the more important risks to be considered in the evaluation of this lead.
- Lead 08 Summary Chart.
- Lead 09 Summary Chart. This lead was marked in several seismic lines (see Table 7) what corroborates its good continuity and structural closure, allowing better predictions. The charge is one of the most important risks to be considered, since the lead 09 is located in a zone of gas generation for Codó Source Rock.
- Lead 10 Summary Chart. This lead was marked in several seismic lines (see Table 7) what corroborates its good continuity, allowing better predictions. The reservoirs intercepted by the well 1MAS0005MA correspond to channels that do not connect to the ones intercepted by the well 1MAS0028MA. The Lead 10 is located down-dip of the structure targeted by the mentioned wells, corresponding to sandy lobules with better lateral continuity.
- Lead 11 Summary Chart. This lead was marked in several seismic lines (see Table 7) what corroborates its good continuity, allowing better predictions. The lead 11 is related to the top of the snakehead deformation zone at the Eocene sedimentary package. The lead 11 together with the leads 1, 2 and 2a is inside the block BM-PAMA-3.
- Lead 12 Summary Chart. This lead was marked in several seismic lines (see Table 7) what corroborates its good continuity, allowing better predictions. This lead is related to the carbonate rocks deposited in the progradation front, what induces to geological risks associated to the presence of good-quality reservoirs (since this play was not properly tested yet) and entrapment conditions. No Fault achieve the lead 12, therefore migration risk should be considered.
- Lead 13 Summary Chart. This huge anomaly located in the area of extensional efforts may also be related to the existence of a continuous marl level, therefore the reservoir may be considered as a high exploration risk.
- Lead 13a Summary Chart. This lead is stratigraphically below the lead 13, therefore, if additional studies confirm the potential of it, two stacked targets can be tested.
- Lead 14 Summary Chart. The projected well 1MAS0026MA presents only oil and gas shows in the mentioned interval, therefore charge and migration risks should also be considered.
- Lead 15 Summary Chart. This lead is related to the deformed zone in the distal part of prograding sigmoids. The anomaly may be related to a turbidite/calico-turbidite occurrence.
- Lead 16 Summary Chart. This anomaly is controlled by the flower structure associated to the Gurupi shear zone. Such fault zone is here speculated to be the provider of the migration pathways to the lead 16 and its lateral closure. As the Rift section present a reasonable amount of intercalations with small sandstone/shale ratio, the seal might be considered a high exploration risk (see Figure 157).
- Lead 17 Summary Chart. A high charge risk is associated to the lead 17 since the proposed model do not confirm the continuity of the Albian-Cenomanian source towards the western basin. Moreover, if Albian-Cenomanian and Rift sources are present, they are gas-prone rather than oil-prone.
- Lead 18 Summary Chart. Observe the small anticline associated to the lead 18 and displayed in the map of the Middle Eocene top.
- Lead 19 Summary Chart.
- Lead 20 Summary Chart.
- Lead 21 Summary Chart. The antiformal structure is located within the blocks PAMA_M-188 and PAMA-M-222.
- Lead 22 Summary Chart.
- Lead 23 Summary Chart. Since the lead 23 refers to a Santonian/Turonian turbidite, a high risk for hydrocarbons charge can be inferred.
- Example of the conversion of .lis to .las files, and their certification by the Schlumberger software.
- Well data used for calibration used in Kingdom Software.
- Header files of the LAS file from the well 1PAS0025PA in text format. Observe the lack of electric log curves.
- Example of log gap observed in the well 1MAS0010MA.
- Example of log acquired predominantly in the area of interest, reservoir area of the well 1PAS0020PA.
- Stretch of the well 1MAS0011MA showing the possible rift reservoir interval (thicker red line). The thin line marks the density of quartz used to calculate the porosity in this reservoir type.
- Stretch of the well 1MAS0005MA showing the well-defined Turonian/Santonian reservoir (thicker red line), encompassed by siltstones with proper identification in logs. The thin red line marks the density of quartz used to calculate the porosity in this reservoir type.
- Stretch of the well 1MAS0011MA exemplifying the Turonian/Santonian channelized turbidites with good correlation in GR, RHOB and NPHI curves.
- Schematic log of the reservoir section of Jubillee field, the Ghana basin analogous.
- Stretch of the well 1MAS0005MA exemplifying the log pattern associated to the Upper Cretaceous turbidite reservoirs.
- Stretch of the well 1PAS0011PA showing the reservoir interval from 3510 to 3535m. Note that the caliper log indicates that the logs associated to this interval cannot be trusted.
- Stretch of the well 1PAS0011PA showing the reservoir interval from 4280 to 4360m.
- Stretch of the well 1PAS0009PA showing the producer interval.
- Location Map of the regional geological well sections developed in the Pará-Maranhão Basin. Since all the wells drilled so far were concentrated in the shelf region, the establishment of a geological model for deep basin areas have considered predominantly the information provided by new acquired seismic data.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1MAS0031MAS showing the coarsening and thickening upwards cycles related to the shallowing events during the deposition of the Rift II Sequence, Pará-Maranhão Basin. The red narrows indicate the beginning and the ending of each individualized cycle. Note also the presence of several oil shows along this record.
- Detail of the seismic line BA2_103801 showing the RIFT II Sequence (plus the Sag Sequence). Note that in deep water areas the Rift II Sequence can achieve more than 2500 meters thick and it is easily recognized by the plano-parallel reflections filling the basement grabens. Towards shallow water, the seismic character of this sequence is more chaotic, and the presence of seismic multiples turns difficult its recognition.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1MAS0008MA exemplifying the Codó Formation (Upper Aptian Sequence), Pará-Maranhão Basin. Note the differences of density and gamma ray values when compared with the shales of the underlying sequence.
- Detail of the line BA2_103801 showing the Unconformity related to the Gondwana Break-up (thick blue line). The base of the Rift III sequence is marked by the brown line.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1MAS0008MA exemplifying the Albian Sequence (RIFT III), Pará-Maranhão Basin. Note several oil and gas shows along this record suggesting the efficiency of an underlying source rock. The small volume of cap rocks observed in this sequence must be considered in the play evaluation for shallow water targets.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1MAS0012MA exemplifying the Albian-Cenomanian mixed platform associated (Cajú group), Pará-Maranhão.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1MAS0011MA exemplifying the Albian-Cenomanian mixed platform associated (Cajú group), Pará-Maranhão.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1MAS0010MA exemplifying the Albian-Cenomanian mixed platform associated (Cajú group), Pará-Maranhão.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1MAS0012MA exemplifying the slope/deep water deposits superposed by a carbonatic platform, pointing to a sinking followed by a shallowing of the basin during the Santonian/Turonian times.
- Detail of the line BA2_23800 exemplifying the Paleocene unconformity (pink line) associated to the Top of the Campanian/Maastrichtian sequence.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1MAS0022MA exemplifying the clastic platform that may constitute a source for distal turbiditic bodies. Note also the incipient development of a carbonatic platform.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1PAS0012PA exemplifying the Paleocene/Maastrichtian carbonatic platform and its association with pelitic sediments.
- Detail of the seismic line BA2_107001 exemplifying the vertical gradation of a deep basin siliciclastic/carbonatic system to a shallow platform carbonatic system within the Paleocene/Eocene sequence. In (A) Note a tendency of the decreasing in the carbonates amount (and consequent increasing of deep water shales amount) towards the slope area. In (B) note the high amplitude reflector related to a sandstone body possibly related to a turbidite.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1PAS0011PA displaying the Lower and Middle Eocene stratigraphic records of Pará-Maranhão basin. Note the strata regressive pattern.
- Detail of the seismic line BA2_23800 showing the prograding sigmoids (in yellow). The green circle marks the distal stratigraphic record in relation to the shelf edge at that time. The high amplitude/low frequencies reflectors suggests the existence of channel/turbiditic occurrence. Note that the area is very structured due the transcurrent tectonics.
- Example of the A-A’ strike oriented well correlation developed using the Petrel software. Once it is not possible to represent the structural features present in the Pará-Maranhão area using only the well correlation technique, it is impossible to extract some geological meaning from the work developed.
- A-A’ strike oriented geological section developed by IPEX team. Note the existence of a major structural high in the central portion of the basin, conditioned by a positive flower structure aligned to the Gurupi lineament (area between the wells 1PAS0019PA to 1MAS0011MA).
- Structural restoration showing the structural framework of the Pará-Maranhão basin in the final of the Maastrichtian age. At this time the basin was already divided in two compartments, mostly controlled by the host and graben structures established during the RIFT II phase. The structural high of the well 1PAS0019PA were already developed during the Santonian, pointing to a previous active transformant tectonics. During the Paleocene, the reactivation of the transformant tectonics allowed the uplift of other blocks as the 1MAS0025MA and 1MAS0008MA, being responsible for the erosion of Maastrichtian to Santonian sediments in this area, and the non-deposition of Eocene sediment in the block of the 1MAS0008MA. After the Maastrichtian it is possible to observe a continuous Eocene regressive event responsible for carbonate platformal deposition, more prominent in the western area, overlying the Ilha de Santana platform. After the transgressive event during the Upper Oligocene, the basin starts to develop uniformly.
- Example of the B-B’ strike oriented well correlation developed using the Petrel software. Once it is not possible to represent the structural features present in the Pará-Maranhão area using only the well correlation technique, it is impossible to extract some geological meaning from the work developed.
- B-B’ strike oriented geological section developed by IPEX team (Gurupi shear zone area). Aiming at the creation of this section, IPEX team had used the seismic line BAS2_23800.
- Example of the C-C’ DIP oriented well correlation developed using the Petrel software.
- C-C’ dip oriented geological section developed by IPEX team in the western part of Pará-Maranhão basin. The Maastrichtian sandstone turbidites may constitute an interesting exploratory play for the shelf area of Pará-Maranhão basin. Other interesting play is pointed in the slope area: the Middle Eocene Turbidites. The deformation related to the adiastrophic tectonics is responsible for the entrapment conditions of these plays.
- Example of the D-D’ dip oriented well correlation developed using the Petrel software.
- D-D’ dip oriented geological section developed by IPEX team in the eastern part of Pará-Maranhão basin. The deep water geological model was based in the seismic line BA2_103801. Note the positive flower structure developed in the shelf area and the Eocene turbidites pointed out as a possible exploratory play in this work.
- Geochemical log of the well 1APS0036AP located on the offshore northern part of the Pará-Maranhão Basin showing the presence of organic-rich marine marls Eocene sediments of the Travossas Formation (from Mello et al., 1995).
- Location of the more probable generation pod related to the Marine Deltaic Tertiary source rocks. Observe the distance between the main generation pod and the wells in which were recovered the Tertiary oils.
- Rock Geochemical log of the well 1MAS0012MA showing the good source characteristics of the Albian-Cenomanian source rock. Note that this profile refers to a well located in the shelf domain where source rock quality is lower because of the oxic conditions. It is expected, therefore, that in deep water domain the Albian source interval be thicker and richer.
- Speculative sites of Albian-Cenomanian source rock deposition in Pará-Maranhão basin. Note that the oils with Albian-Cenomanian geochemical signature were recovered only in the eastern platform, adjacent to the Albian Approximate kitchen. The limits of the Albian kitchen is based in its approximate burial depth according the maturation results acquired in the modeling chapter (item 0).
- Speculative sites of Aptian source rock in Pará-Maranhão basin. The burial depths of this interval towards the western domain suggest overmature conditions, what increases the charge risk for liquid hydrocarbons. The limits of each zone highlighted in the map is based in the burial depth according the maturation results acquired in the modeling chapter (item 0).
- Depositional model block-diagram of the western part of Pará-Maranhão basin. The surface displayed in the top of the block diagram represent the depositional systems of the Tertiary sequence.
- Depositional Model of the Tertiary Sequence (Lower Eocene/Paleocene). This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Seismic line BA2_20600_PSDM showing the channelized deposits crossing the well 1MAS0025MA.
- Example of Eocene carbonate plays drilled by Petrobras, well 1PAS0011PA.
- Example of Eocene carbonate plays drilled by Petrobras, well 3PAS0015D PA.
- Example of Eocene carbonate and siliciclastic plays drilled by Petrobras, well 1PAS0016PA.
- Depositional Model of the Maastrichtian/Campanian Sequence (Upper Cretaceous). This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Seismic line BA2_23800_PSDM showing the channelized Santonian/Turonian turbidites crossing the well 1MAS0005MA.
- Depositional Model of the Santonian/Turonian Sequence. This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Schematic geological section showing the Rift deposition model.
- Depositional Model of the Aptian Rift Sequence. This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area. Note the shift of the depocenters to the east of the Gurupi shear zone, depicting its tectonic control.
- Play fairway Map of Pará-Maranhão basin.
- Base Map of the Pará-Maranhão basin. The location of modeled seismic lines is displayed in red.
- Input geometries and seismic image of the dip line (BA2 102801). The line runs approximately southwest (left) – northeast (right), and is approximately 145 km long.
- Gridded layer stack of BA2 102801 with seismic image (top), and without seismic image displayed (bottom). Note that the volcanic mound in the northeast of the section is not included in the layering, but it was modeled using a facies-related approach (see below).
- Input geometries and seismic image of the strike line (BA2 23800). The line runs approximately north-west (left) – south-east (right), and is approximately 370 km long.
- Gridded layer stack of BA2 23800 with seismic image (top), and without seismic image displayed (bottom). The color coding and stratigraphic subdivision of the two models are consistent.
- Assignment Table of the models with initial layering.
- Facies distribution in the model of the dip line. Total view (top), and zoom-in (bottom). Note gradual changes of facies in the shelf-slope area. Green colors generally depict shaly facies types. Yellow colors indicate potential turbidite reservoirs. The light blue Oligocene calcilutite reservoirs were assigned in the entire model to test this play better. Note red color represents the volcanic build-up in the deep-water area.
- Facies distribution of the model of the strike line, total view (top), and zoom-in (bottom). Note volcanics / intrusives in the deep basin area. Shaly lithologies prevail in the Cretaceous and in the entire deep water domain. See Figure 194 for further explanations.
- Model geometries showing PWD at 112 Ma (top), and at 66 Ma (bottom). Gradual increase of water depth in the deep basin. Shallow water (Albian) to very shallow water conditions in the Tertiary on the shelf.
- Continental drift (black line) vs. global climate (color code) as used to model SWIT based on Wygrala, 1989.
- Exemplary heat flow history as used in the model, shown for a location at the shelf slope in the dip line model. Note extended duration of maximum heat flow due to occurrence of two rift events.
- Kinetic scheme of the IES_TII_Toarcian_Shale_4C kinetic.
- Model of the dip line with layer overlay. The two unconformities are displayed (red, meandering lines). The lower unconformity / erosion took place at the end of the Cretaceous. The upper unconformity is located in the Oligocene.
- Zoom-in of the dip line (top), and strike line (bottom) modeling results showing the location of projected wells. The reader is referred to Figure 194 for map view of well locations.
- Temperature calibration of the wells 1MAS0008MA (left), 1MAS0028MA (middle), and 1MAS0017MA (right), dip line. The calibrated model shows a good fit to all data (black crosses).
- Calibration of vitrinite reflectance, 1-MAS-31 (left), and 1-MAS-28 (right) in the dip line. The BHT-calibrated model does not result in good fits with the VR data. Better calibration could not be achieved, most probably due to low value range and / or bad quality of the data.
- Temperature distribution of the base case scenario. Location of time extractions displayed in the next figure are indicated (red dots).
- Time Extractions showing the temperature history of the Cretaceous turbidite play (left), and of the Oligocene calcilutite play (right). Extraction locations are displayed in Figure 213. Red lines indicate 80°C.
- Present day temperature history of the scenario “+5 mW/m2”.
- Present day temperature of the very cold scenario HFuniform_70-40.
- Present day maturity of the dip line, base case scenario. Overlay is displayed for the whole section (top), and for the source intervals only (bottom). Blue color indicates immaturity, green colors show oil window maturity, red is for gas window. The sources are largely within the oil window, the Codó source is partly in the gas window.
- Present day maturity of source intervals in the “hot” scenario (top), and in the “very cold” scenario (bottom). Maturity of the Cajú source rock displays small variability. Note that a Tertiary source has additionally been implemented in these two scenarios. It is invariably immature.
- Transformation Ratio of sources in the base case scenario. The Codó source is almost completely transformed. The Cajú source shows variable values.
- Transformation Ratio in the ‘hot’ scenario (top), and in the ‘very cold’ scenario (bottom). Note that value label locations are not exactly consistent with other figures. Ratios do not vary dramatically in the platform / slope area. The deep basin part is unrealistically cold in the very cold scenario.
- Transformation Ratio of the scenario using kinetics of Pepper & Corvi (1995).
- Time extractions of the Codó source rock (base case). Location is displayed in the right-hand figure (red dots). Left figure: Black and purple curves show temperature through time. Red and blue curves show transformation ratio. Note impact of erosions in the temperature history (‘kinks’).
- Time extractions of the Cajú source rock (base case). Location is displayed in the right-hand figure (red dots). Left figure: Black and red curves show temperature through time. Red and purple curves show transformation ratio. Note impact of erosions in the temperature history (‘kinks’).
- Time extractions of the Codó (top) and Cajú source rocks (bottom; base case). Location is displayed in the right-hand figure (red dots: Cajú, black dot: Codó). Upper graph (Codó): Black curve shows transformation ratio, and red curve shows generation rate through time. Lower graph (Cajú): Black and purple curves show transformation ratio, and red and blue curves show generation rate. The Codó source is early cooked, the Cajú source generates small amounts of hydrocarbons during the Tertiary until today.
- Distribution of Pressure Excess Hydraulic. Overpressure is present in the deep part of the drift sequence inboard of the shelf slope. Note that the range of values is 0 -5 MPa in this figure.
- Modeled porosity distribution. Potential Cretaceous turbidites show good porosities.
- Present day temperature of the strike line, base case scenario. The Early Tertiary sequence is buried much more deeply in the deep water domain. Red arrows indicate location of the K/T boundary for reference.
- Sensitivity testing of present day temperature. The impact on shallow reservoirs is small.
- Time Extractions showing the potential temperature history variability of the Cretaceous and Early Tertiary (light blue curve) turbidite plays. Extraction locations are displayed in the right figure (red dots). Red line indicates 80°C.
- Time Extractions showing the potential temperature history variability of the Tertiary calcilutite play in the deep-water domain (upper graph) and on the platform (lower graph). Extraction locations are displayed in the right figure (red dots). Red line indicates 80°C.
- Present day maturity of the strike line, base case scenario. Overlay is displayed for the whole section (top), and for the source intervals only (bottom). Blue color indicates immaturity, green colors show oil window maturity, red is for gas window. The Cretaceous sources are largely mature. The Codó source is in the gas window. The Tertiary source is largely immature.
- Transformation ratio of sources in the base case scenario. The Codó source is completely transformed. The Cajú source shows elevated degrees of ‘being cooked’ when compared to the results of the dip line. The Tertiary source does not contribute significantly to the charge.
- Sensitivity testing of transformation ratio. “Cold” (-5 mW/m2) scenario (top), and scenario with Pepper & Corvi (1995) kinetics (bottom). Both results represent the lower end members of a probable, cold, heat flow history with comparatively high transformation within the Cajú source rock.
- Time extractions of the Codó source rock (base case). Location is displayed in the right-hand figure (red dots). Left figure: Black and purple curves show temperature through time. Red and blue curves show transformation ratio. Note impact of erosions in the temperature history (‘kinks’).
- Time extractions of the Cajú source rock (base case). Location is displayed in the right-hand figure (red dots). Left figure: Black, light blue and purple curves show temperature through time. Red, green and blue curves show transformation ratio.
- Pressure Excess Hydraulic in the base case scenario. Note that the range of values is -2 – 25 MPa in this figure.
- Porosity of the strike section as modeled in the base case. Due to overpressure / under-compaction, deep parts of the sequence, such as rift deposits, retain good porosities.
- Migration history of the base case scenario of the Dip line. Displayed time steps are 99 Ma, 74 Ma, and 63 Ma. See next page for further explanation.
- Migration history of the base case scenario of the Dip Line. Displayed time steps are 38 Ma, 30 Ma, and Present Day. The blue overlay colors indicate areas with petroleum saturation above zero. Green vectors depict liquid hydrocarbons and the red vectors the vaporous hydrocarbons. Most expelled HCs are lost through seepage before 63 Ma. The majority of the charge is retained in lower parts of the section during the Tertiary.
- Modeled accumulations at present day. A selection is highlighted with red circles. The total composition of accumulated petroleum is displayed in the bottom figures in in-situ conditions (left), and flashed to surface condition (right). The indicated API values are not accurate.
- Zoom-in of the of Figure 241. “Accumulation 1” in Upper Cretaceous turbidites is highlighted as identified in seismic data. Additionally, vectors and saturation are displayed. Note migration focus along fault line (black arrows).
- The same zoom-in area of Figure 241, as modeled in the scenario “FaultsClosedfrom66”. The fault properties do not induce major changes of the migration pattern. The accumulation is filled again with approximately 85% of Cajú-sourced oil.
- Zoom-in of the base case scenario. Composition of a second accumulation (“Accumulation 2”) is displayed.
- Simulation results of the scenario with closed faults since 66 Ma. “Accumulation 2” is now compartmentalized into a number of isolated accumulations.
- Migration history of the base case scenario strike line. Displayed time steps are 92 Ma, 76 Ma and 64 Ma. See next page for explanation.
- Migration history of the base case scenario. Displayed time steps are 34 Ma, 27 Ma, and Present Day. The blue overlay colors indicate areas with petroleum saturation above zero. Green vectors depict liquid, red vectors depict vaporous hydrocarbons. Most expelled HCs are lost through seepage before 64 Ma. The majority of the charge is restricted to the shallow water area.
- Present day accumulations (partly highlighted with red circles) and total composition of trapped hydrocarbons.
- Zoom-in of the Figure 247. “Accumulation 1” in the assumed Upper Cretaceous reservoir layer is highlighted. Additionally, vectors and saturation are displayed.
- “Accumulation 2”, as modeled in the base case scenario.
- Event chart of Pará-Maranhão Basin showing the main events during the evolution of the petroleum system of the basin.
- Volume III
- Location map of the Equatorial Brazilian basins. Note that the basins comprised in this project (Pará-Maranhão, Barreirinhas and Ceará) had its exploratory efforts limited to the shallow portion, as can be verified through the wells distribution. Note also, that the width of the platform increases towards the west.
- Schematic Cretaceous stages of the breakup between Africa and South America, and the tectonic evolution of the Equatorial Atlantic. The scheme shows the approximate location of the Bové, Benin, Ivory Coast, Keta, Senegal, Volta Basins, the Benue Trough of Africa and the Para-Maranhão Basin in Brazil during the (A) Hauterivian, 125 Ma; (B) early Albian, 110 Ma; (C) late Albian, 100 Ma; (D) Santonian, 85 Ma. Modified from Marinho and Mascle (1987).
- Tectonic evolution model for Gondwana supercontinent according Alkmin, 2001.
- Relative movements of the cratons of the Gondwana supercontinent (Veevers, 2004).
- Bathymetric map showing the fracture zones in the oceanic crust (lineaments in the sea floor topography displayed in white) of the Equatorial Margin and its correspondence with the gulf of Guinea in the African Counterpart elucidating the lateral movement between Africa and South America. These fracture zones also tend to offset sub-basins and affect sedimentation.
- Gravimetric map of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil displaying the location of major transform zones.
- Regional Map of the Equatorial and Northeastern Brazilian area displaying the magnetic data over the oceanic area and the geological information over the continental area. Note the interaction between the NE-SW and E-W lineaments. Note also that the E-W lineaments present in the Northeastern Brazil (Borborema province, e.g. Patos and Pernambuco Lineaments) is parallel to the oceanic fractures indicated in the Equatorial area, pointing to a common origin for both tectonic features.
- Main transform zones at the moment of the Gondwana breakup in the region of Equatorial Margin. Modified from Rabinowitz and LaBrecque (1979).
- Morphologic pattern of a transformant continental Margin (Oliveira, 2004)
- Geological scheme showing the stages related to the Aptian Rift II phase.
- Geological Scheme exemplifying the effects of the transform tectonics during the Albian Rift III phase.
- Tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Rift and transitional phases of the Equatorial margin. From the Middle Aptian age, the transcurrent faults delimitated the uplifted sites with predominance of continental sedimentation varying laterally to subsiding sites with transitional sedimentation containing evaporites. During the Lower Albian, the transcurrent tectonic got more intense, followed by the appearing of oceanic crust resulting in a reticulated outline typical of transform margins.
- Simplified geological map of the Brazilian Northeast (Brito Neves, 2000).
- Structural map of the platform area of the Ceará basin displaying main tectonic features and the location of the Piauí-Camocim, Acaraú, Icaraí and Mundaú sub-basins (modified from Zalán, 1985).
- Gravimetric map of Ceará basin displaying the Atlantic High and the Ceará High that separates the nearshore portion of Piauí-Camocim and Acaraú sub-basins.
- Tectonic domains of the Equatorial Brazilian Margin and its African Counterparts according the Atlantic opening proposed by Matos (2000).
- Sea bottom structural map of the study area showing the evidences of the oblique rifting.
- Preferential area of transpressional and transtensional efforts. In the western area it is possible to observe a greater influence of the transpression efforts compared to transtension. In the eastern area it is the contrary.
- Stratigraphic chart of Ceará basin (Condé, 2007).
- Stratigraphic chart of the Ceará sub-basins: Piauí-Camocim, Acaraú-Icaraí and Mundaú. Note that large volumes of Upper Cretaceous and tertiary sediments are absent of Piauí-Camocim, Acaraú and Icaraí sub-basins.
- Drilled wells through time in the Ceará Basin (Mundaú; Icaraí, Acaraú and Piauí-Camocim sub-basins).
- Oil types and reservoir intervals around the Mundaú sub-basin of the Ceará Basin.
- API gravity map of the analyzed oils from the Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará Basin. Note that the lacustrine oils sourced by the Mundaú shales display the highest API values. In contrast, low API values are linked to more paleo biodegradation and recent biodegradation in marine hypersaline oils (see 25-norhopane/hopane ratio map in Figure 29 and the recent biodegradation map in the Figure 30).
- Sulfur content of the analyzed oils from the Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará Basin. Low sulfur contents characterize most of the analyzed oils.
- API gravity versus depth for the Ceará Basin oils. It seems that, in Mundaú sub-basin of Ceará Basin, the oil quality is not directly linked to the reservoir depth although it is strictly associated to the oil origin and recent biodegradation represented by the ratio Pri/nC17 (compare the values for well 1CES 0061D CE displayed in this diagram with its values in Figure 32).
- Sulfur content versus depth of the Ceará Basin oils. It seems that in Mundaú sub-basin of Ceará basin, oil quality is not directly linked to reservoir depth.
- Oil quality diagram for the Ceará oil samples. The oils recovered in the Mundaú sub-basin of the Ceará basin, have good quality, especially the lacustrine oils that have high API and low sulfur content.
- Paleobiodegradation map of the Mundaú sub-basin at the Ceará Basin (measured by the ratio 25norhopane/hopane). Note the relation between the biodegradation and the oil quality maps shown the Figure 24.
- Recent biodegradation map of the Mundaú sub-basin at the Ceará Basin (based on the pristane over nC17 ratio). Note the relation between the biodegradation and the oil quality maps shown in Figure 24.
- Degree of paleobiodegradation based on 25-norhopane/hopane versus the reservoir depth. There is a slight tendency of increased paleobiodegradation with the decreased reservoir depth. Note that the lacustrine oils, although showing a wide vertical distribution, are non-biodegraded or mildly biodegraded.
- Degree of recent biodegradation versus reservoir depth. Most of the analyzed oil samples (including all lacustrine samples) show a predominance of nC17 over pristane, the absence of recent biodegradation.
- Biodegradation assessment diagram of the Ceará (Mundaú sub-basin) oil samples. Note that some the hypersaline oils have high ratios of 25-norhopane/hopane (>1) indicating paleobiodegradation (as in wells 3CES 0063D CE and 4 CES 0143 CE).
- Whole oil and terpane traces (m/z 191) for the well 4CES 0143CE exemplifying a marine hypersaline oil from the Mundaú sub-basin that is composed of a mixture of oils from different generation pulses. This is indicated by the preservation of n-alkane, very high UCM compounds, and abundant nuclear demethylated hopanes (25-norhopanes).
- Whole oil and terpane traces (m/z 191) of Mundaú sourced oils exposed to different biodegradation. The oil sample recovered from well 1CES 0008 CE is most biodegraded. The oil samples recovered from the wells 3CES 0061D CE and 4CES 0014 CE have experienced light biodegradation. Finally, the oil from well 1CES 0066 CE correspond a mixture of different charging pulse from the same source rock.
- Plots of δ13C of the whole oil versus the Pristane/Phytane ratio. The lacustrine freshwater oils sourced by Mundaú Fm. can readily be identified by light δ13C values and the dominance of pristane over phytane compared to marine hypersaline oils in which δ13C values are above -28‰ and the phytane predominates over the pristane.
- Whole oil traces as distinctive geochemical features of Lacustrine and marine oils from Mundaú sub basin.
- Plots of hopane/ sterane versus pristane/phytane ratios for oils from the Ceará basin. Note that the lacustrine oils, as reported by Mello, 1988, have a higher pristane/phytane and hopane/sterane ratios when than the marine oils. The high pristane/phytane ratio for the oil sample from well 1CES 0079 CE is linked to the high thermal maturity, since the pristane is more resistant to thermal alteration than phytane.
- m/z 259 Fragmentograms of a marine (upper fragmentogram – well 1CES 0079 CE) and a lacustrine ( well 3CES 0061D CE) oils from Ceará Basin showing the high abundance of lacustrine biomarker TPP relative to the C27 diasteranes in lacustrine freshwater and brackish water oils. In the marine oils the C27 diasteranes predominates over TPP.
- Gammacerane index (GAM/H30 stands for Gammacerane over 30-Hopanes) versus hopane/sterane ratio for the samples from Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará Basin. These ratios have been used to differentiate lacustrine fresh from saline and also from marine hypersaline and siliciclastic oils in the Brazilian marginal basins (Mello, 1988 and Mello et al., 1988). High values for hopane/ sterane (>10), and low values of gammacerane/ hopane ratios (<4), indicate lacustrine fresh to brackish to saline water source rock environments.
- Plot of gammacerane index (GAM/H30 stands for Gammacerane over 30-Hopanes) versus diasteranes/TPP for oils from Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará basin. The Diasterane/TPP ratio is very effective in differentiating marine oils (a predominance of diasterane over TPP) from lacustrine oils (TPP prevails over the diasteranes).
- Gammacerane index versus C35/C34 hopanes for the oils from the Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará Basin. The gammacerane index indicates the salinity of the source rock when deposited. This diagram allows a good separation of all oil types. There is a tendency of the lacustrine sourced oils fall in the C35/C34 range of 0.2 to 0.6, whereas the marine hypersaline oils have C35/C34 >1.
- δ13C of the whole oil versus the Ts/Tm ratio of the Ceará oil samples. Both parameters are suitable to asses oil origin. In lacustrine oils, the C27 17α-trisnorhopane (Tm) dominates over the C27 18α-trisnorneohopane (Ts) present light values of δ13C, unlike the marine (hypersaline) oils.
- Diasteranes/ TPP versus 3Me/ 4Me triaromatics for oils from the Ceará Basin. The Aptian marine hypersaline oils, as reported by Mello, 1988, have the highest 3Me/ 4Me triaromatics ratios compared to the other oil types.
- C24 tetracyclic/ C26 tricyclic terpanes versus hopane/sterane ratio for Mundaú oil samples. The C24 tetracyclic/C26 tricyclic terpanes suitable to distinguish the marine oils, since most of them have high ratio values compared to lacustrine and mixed oils. In addition, very low values for hop/sterane are diagnostic of the marine oils.
- Hopane/sterane ratio versus C27/C29 sterane diagram for the oil samples from the Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará Basin. This diagram allows a good separation of the oil families, since the C29 sterane is more abundant than C27 sterane in marine oils. Conversely, high values of the hopane/sterane ratio are linked to the lacustrine oils.
- m/z 191 Fragmentograms of oils from the Mundaú sub-basin. Note the differences in the Ts/Tm ratio, gammacerane abundance, tricyclic relative abundance between the lacustrine fresh water and marine hypersaline sourced oils.
- m/z 217 Fragmentograms of oils from the Mundaú sub-basin. Note the differences in the carbon distributions of C27 versus C29 steranes for the lacustrine and the marine oils.
- m/z 231 Fragmentograms of oils from the Mundaú sub-basin. Note the differences in the abundance of C29 and 3-methyl/4-methyl triaromatic steroid between the lacustrine and marine oils. The lacustrine oils have higher concentrations of C29 and 4-methyl triaromatic steroids.
- m/z 245 Fragmentograms of oils from the Mundaú sub-basin. Note the increase of the relative abundance of the C29 3-methy aromatic steroids over the C29 4-methy aromatic steroids in the Marine oils compared to the lacustrine oils.
- . Mass chromatograms from metastable ion monitoring of C27 to C30 steranes in a hypersaline Paracurú (!) sourced oil recovered from well 4CES 0012A CE.
- Mass chromatograms from metastable ion monitoring of C27 to C30 steranes in a Mundaú (!) sourced oil recovered from well 3CES 0061D CE.
- Plot of C29 αββ/(αββ + ααα) steranes versus Ts/Tm for oils from the Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará Basin.
- Plot of C29 αββ/(αββ + ααα) steranes versus S/(S+R).
- . Map of TS/TS+TM for oils from the Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará Basin.
- Map of C29 αββ/ (αββ + ααα) steranes for oils from the Mundaú sub-basin of Ceará Basin.
- Oil cracking diagram of the Ceará oil samples. Note that the lacustrine oils are highly cracked compared to the marine oils.
- Oil cracking map of the Mundaú sub-basin in the Ceará Basin.
- Ceará location map displaying the 2D depth seismic lines interpreted in this work, the drilled wells and the exploration blocks. Note that only ten wells can be tied to the received seismic lines.
- Regional map of Ceará Basin showing the distribution of the seismic lines analyzed in this study (in green) together with additional public seismic lines in time required to ANP (in red).
- Regional map of Ceará Basin showing the distribution of the seismic lines analyzed in this study (in green) together with additional public seismic lines in time delivered by ANP (in red).
- SEG-Y files stored on network drives. Ceará basin
- Example of a Ceará seismic line loaded in software Petrel 2009 1.1
- Evaluation of the acquisition parameters of the seismic data from the Ceará basin.
- Reference Map illustrating the regions of datum and fuses from Brazil.
- Base Map displaying the location of the seismic grid loaded in software Petrel 2009 1.1. and the cultural data. Note that the seismic lines presented a problem in the datum.
- Interpretation project of the Ceará Basin with seismic data, well data, cultural data in coordinate reference system WGS84, UTM, Zone 24 South.
- Petrel’ Settings Window showing the geodetics parameters used for Ceará basin.
- SEG-Y’ header of the line 136-BBR_PSDM_WHITH_POSTP_GAIN_DEPTH displaying the datum 23 south (display from the software SeiSee). Take look in the X, Y lines (bytes X=73-76; Y=77-80; CDP=21-24). The wrong coordinates are the same for all bins.
- SEG-Y’ header of the line 136-BBR_PSDM_WHITH_POSTP_GAIN_DEPTH displaying the datum 24 south (display from the software SeiSee). Take look in the X, Y lines (bytes X=73-76; Y=77-80; CDP=21-24). The wrong coordinates are the same for all bins.
- Petrel display showing a positive number as a peak and a negative number as a trough.
- Polarity and color convention and definition of American and European Polarity. Brown et al, 2003.
- Subsurface features which can generate sufficiently high amplitude reflections to be useful for interpretative assessment of phase and polarity. Probable impedance profiles are drawn. Brown et al, 2003.
- Phase and Polarity circles presented diagrammatically for an impedance increase. Brown et al, 2003.
- Initial color scheme pattern.
- Seabed reflection in deep water displaying zero – phaseness and American Polarity. Line 7125_BBR_PSDM_WITH_POSTP_GAIN_DEPTH.
- Composite line showing Dip and strike line. Note the symmetry between lines
- Seismic line from the Ceará Basin with the occurrence of smiles depending on the velocity model used during migration.
- Seismic line from the Ceará basin with the occurrence of seismic multiples.
- Seismic noise, with the occurrence of artifacts created in the processing
- Stratigraphic chart of the Ceará Basin with the identification of the eight horizons mapped (plus the sea bed) in this work.
- Screenshot of the seismic line 6961 displaying the eight seismic horizons (plus the seabed) mapped in this work. Note that the basement proposed in the current interpretation do not refers to the crystalline basement, but to the economic basement as discussed along the text of this report.
- Structural map in depth of the economic basement of the Ceará basin. The Economic basement corresponds to the base of the Mundaú Formation.
- Seismic grid used in the Ceará interpretation project displaying the area in which the oceanic/transitional crust was identified (in dark blue). The black dashed line represent the location of the Romanche shear zone.
- Seismic Line 6961_BBR_PSDM exemplifying the interpretation of the strong reflector ‘intra economic basement’ mapped in distal parts of the Ceará basin. As this reflector represents a thinning of the crust as a whole, it can be interpreted as the Transitional Crust limit. This theory fully agrees with the model established by IPEX team in the Barreirinhas basin.
- Strike oriented seismic line exemplifying the behavior of the Paleozoic sequence along the Ceará basin. Note that this sequence occurs predominantly in the platform domain, being thicker in the area where transpressive events have acted with major expression..
- Structural map in depth of the Mundaú Fm
- Isopach map of the Mundaú Formation.
- Seismic line 6955_BBR_PSDM exemplifying the seismostratigraphic pattern of the Mundaú Fm. in the Ceará basin. The well displayed is the 1CES 0052 CE.
- Structural map of the SAG sequence. Note that the NNE-SSW trend in the Eastern area is inherit from the rift phase (compare with Figure 88).
- Isopach map of the SAG sequence.
- DIP oriented seismic line exemplifying the seismofacies of the SAG Sequence. Note the development of salt layers in deep water.
- Seismic line 7021_BBR_PSDM showing the Lower Albian sequence crossed by the well 1CES 0050 CE.
- Structural Map in depth of the Alagoas Top.
- Isopach map in meters of the Alagoas Sequence.
- Structural Map in depth of the Albian-Cenomanian sequence.
- Isopach map in meters of the Albian-Cenomanian Sequence.
- Structural Map in depth of the Turonian/Santonian. The non interpolated areas indicate the presence of volcanic rocks.
- Isopach map in meters of the Turonian/Santonian Sequence.
- Seismic line BA2_103801_PSDM exemplifying the seismic character of the Turonian/Santonian sequence. The well 1CES 0056 CE, used for the tying of the seismic interpretation, is displayed.
- Structural map in depth of the Cretaceous top. The non interpolated areas indicate the presence of volcanic rocks.
- Isopach map in meters of the Upper Cretaceous Sequence.
- Seismic line 7017_BBR_PSDM exemplifying the seismic character of the Campanian Maastrichtian Sequence in the platform area. The well 1CES 005A CE is displayed.
- Middle Oligocene structural map in depth.
- Isopach map in meters of the Oligocene Sequence.
- Seismic line 7013_BBR_PSDM exemplifying the seismic character of the Oligocene Sequence in the platform domain. The well 1CES 0005A CE is displayed.
- Isopach map in meters of the Tertiary/Quaternary sequence.
- Sea bottom structural map.
- Recovered Oil Volume versus Play Type. Ceará Basin. Note that most of the oil is expected to occur in plays related to the Paracuru sandstones, what is extremely favorable because of the proximity between reservoirs and source rock levels.
- Leads distribution according the reservoir.
- Lead 01 Summary Chart.
- Lead 02 Summary Chart.
- Lead 03 Summary Chart.
- Lead 04 Summary Chart.
- Lead 05 Summary Chart.
- Lead 06 Summary Chart.
- Lead 07 Summary Chart.
- Lead 08 Summary Chart.
- Example of the conversion of .lis to .las files, by the Schlumberger software.
- Example of the well 1CES 0001 CE. This well just presents the log curves Cali, GR and DT in a small stretch of the well.
- 1CES 0011 CE – Exemple of the GR in the .las file, but with nule values in the petrophysical software.
- Stretch of the composite log from the well 1CES 0027 exemplifying the possible Upper Cretaceous turbidites of Maastrichtian age.
- NPHI x Neutrao Crossplot (GR: 0 to 50°API) of the well 1MAS 0030 MA, from 3690 to 3705m. The data displayed ratify the lithologic composition of sandstones with high content of clay.
- Petrophysical evaluation of the well 1MAS 0030 MA. Phie ranges from 10 to 20% and the Sw from 30 to 40%.
- Stretch of the composite log from the well 1CES 0048 CE exemplifying the better characteristics of the Albian-Cenomanian reservoirs.
- Stretch of the composite log from the well 1CES 0048 CE exemplifying the good characteristics of the Albian-Cenomanian reservoirs.
- Stretch of the composite log from the well 1CES 0045 CE exemplifying the carbonatic reservoirs from Trairi Member.
- Stretch of the composite log from the well 1CES 0054 CE exemplifying the siliciclastic reservoirs from Paracuru Member.
- Stretch of the composite log from the well 1CES 0019 CE exemplifying the reservoirs from Mundaú Formation.
- Stretch of the composite log from the well 1CES 0109 CE exemplifying the reservoirs from Mundaú Formation.
- Stretch of the composite log from the well 1CES 0146 CE exemplifying the reservoirs from Mundaú Formation.
- Location map of the regional geological well sections developed in the Ceará Basin. Since all the wells drilled so far were concentrated in the shelf region, the establishment of a geological model for deep basin areas have considered predominantly the information provided by the new acquired seismic data.
- Composite logs of the wells 1CES 0002 CE and 1CES 0055 CE exemplifying the unconformity that separates the Rift III Sequence (represented by the Mundaú Formation) into two. Note the differences in the lithologic associations between the lower and upper sections.
- Stretch of the composite log of the wells 2CES 0087 CE and 1CES 0048 CE exemplifying the base of the Transitional Sequence. Note that the well 2CES0087CE is located just beside a faulted block, representing the input of alluvial fans in the restricted environment.
- Stretch of the composite log of the wells 1CES 0053B CE and 1CES 0056 CE exemplifying the intermediary part of the Transitional Sequence (Trairi Member). Note the incidence of carbonate layers interbedded with the continuous shales that represent a regional drowning in the eastern portion of the Ceará Basin.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1CES 0046 CE exemplifying the halite occurrence in the Ceará basin.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1CES 0048A CE exemplifying the high sandstone content of the Albian Sequence due to the proximity of a Transbrasilian faulting lineaments.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1CES 0056 CE exemplifying the differences between the lithostratigraphic content of the Albian-Cenomanian and Turonian/Santonian sequences.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1CES 0056 CE exemplifying the pelitic sedimentation associated to the Campanian/Maastrichtian sequence. Note the input of turbiditic sandstones that may represents important basin targets.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1CES 0056 CE displaying the mixed platform established during the Paleocene/Eocene ages.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 2CES 0087A CE displaying the Oligocene sequence.
- Stretch of the composite log of the well 1CES 0005A CE displaying the Oligocene sequence
- Zoom-in of the Figure 12 displaying the schematic location of the A-A’ strike oriented well section in relation to the major basin structures and the respective sedimentological characteristics according the tectonic model used in this work.
- A-A’ strike oriented well correlation developed by IPEX team using the Petrel Software. These tops were extracted from biostratigraphic zonations performed by Petrobrás (AGP Files). Further interpretations based on lithostratigraphy and seismic interpretations are presented in Figure 146.
- A-A’ strike oriented geological section developed by IPEX team.
- Zoom-in of the Figure 12 displaying the schematic location of the B-B’ strike oriented well section in relation to the major basin structures and the respective sedimentological characteristics according the geological model used in this work.
- B-B’ strike oriented well correlation developed by IPEX team using the Petrel Software. These tops were extracted from biostratigraphic zonations performed by Petrobrás (AGP Files). Further interpretations based on lithostratigraphy and seismic interpretations are presented in Figure 149.
- B-B’ strike oriented geological section developed by IPEX team.
- Geochemical Log of the well 1CES 0015CE highlighting the source characteristics of the Mundaú Fm.
- Speculative sites of generation windows for the Aptian Mundaú source rock in Ceará basin. Note that toward the west, the Mundaú source rocks are not expected. For further information, please check the text.
- Geochemical Log of the 1CES 0008 CE well highlighting the source characteristics of the Paracurú Fm.
- Speculative sites of generation windows for the Aptian Paracurú source rock in Ceará basin. Note that toward the west the Mundaú source rocks are not expected. For further information, please check the text.
- Depositional Model of the Campanian/Maastrichtian Sequence (Upper Cretaceous). This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Stretch of the well 1CES 0002 CE exemplifying the ‘Siliciclastic Platform’ unity postulated for the Campanian/Maastrichtian sequence.
- Stretch of the well 1CES 0052 CE exemplifying the ‘Slope Deposits’ postulated for the Campanian/ Maastrichtian sequence. Note the prominent intercalations of thin layers of sandstones, and the deepening conditions illustrated by the thinning upward of the whole sequence.
- Stretch of the well 1CES 0056 CE exemplifying the ‘Deep Basin deposits’ unity postulated for the Maastrichtian/Campanian sequence.
- Depositional Model of the Turonian/Santonian Sequence. This model can be used as facies map input for a future 3D basin modeling in the area.
- Stretch of the well 1CES 0048A CE exemplifying the ‘Mixed Platform’ unity postulated for the Albian-Cenomanian sequence.
- Stretch of the well 1CES 0053B CE exemplifying the ‘Deep Basin Deposits’ unity postulated for the Albian-Cenomanian sequence.
- Lithofacies association of the Alagoas Sequence.
- Lithofacies Map of the Alagoas Sequence
- Play fairway Map of Ceará basin.
- Base Map of the Ceará basin. Location of modeled seismic lines is displayed in red.
- Input geometries and seismic image of the dip line (6961). The line runs approximately south-west (left) – north-east (right), and is approximately 87 km long. Location of geologic features such as leads, volcanics, and wells are indicated.
- Gridded layer stack of the Dip line (6961) with seismic image (top), and without seismic image displayed (bottom).
- Input geometries and seismic image of the strike line (148). The line runs approximately west-north-west (left) – east-south-east (right), and is approximately 251 km long. Wells are displayed
- Gridded layer stack of the Strike line (148) with seismic image (top), and without seismic image displayed (bottom).The color coding and stratigraphic subdivision of the two models (strike and dip) are largely consistent.
- The two alternative schemes of Age Assignment. `Traditional` age estimations based on ANP data (left), and the Age Assignment done by IPEX for consistency with the other basins (right).
- Final Age Assignment Tables using the `new` scheme, as used in both models. Dip line (left) and Strike line (right) Black rectangles highlight source layers, yellow rectangles highlight layers which comprise of dedicated leads. Note that ages of erosional events (see below) are also included in the table.
- Fine layering of the dip line (top) and of the strike line (bottom), as used in the simulations. Note that black colors are used for source intervals. Yellow colors within the sequence indicate reservoir layers.
- Exemplary section of facies / lithology distribution as used for the input data set of the Dip line model.
- Exemplary section of facies / lithology distribution as used for the input data set of the strike line model.
- Facies distribution as used in the Dip line model. Facies types are named by numbers according to the input displayed in Figure 172.
- Facies distribution as used in the Strike line model. Facies types are named by numbers according to the input displayed in Figure 172.
- Facies Definition Table as used in both models. Facies types are named by numbers according to the input exemplarily displayed in Figure 172.
- Geometries of the Dip line model showing PWD at 66 Ma (top), and at 99 Ma (bottom). Gradual increase of water depth in the deep basin. Shallow water conditions in the Tertiary on the shelf.
- Exemplary heat flow history as used in the model, shown for a location on the shelf in the dip line model.
- Kinetic scheme of the IES_TII_Toarcian_Shale_4C kinetic.
- Dip line model with unconformities (red meandering lines).
- Map of Ceará basin with approximate location of modeled wells (1CES 0015 CE and 1CES 0078 CE). See SUBSTITUIR ECOPETROL POR LINE NA FIGURA 164
- to assess the location of the modeled lines.
- Input data set for 1CES 0015 CE. Layering, Age Assignment, lithologies and potential source properties (top), and boundary conditions (bottom). Note heat flow peak around 110 Ma, and values of approximately50 mW/m2 at present day, used for temperature calibration.
- Temperature Calibration of 1CES 0015 CE. Good fit with BHT data (left), but considerable over-calibration of maturity (VR) data (right).
- VR Calibration of 1CES 0015 CE. The heat flow scenario (left) required for calibration is unrealistically cold.
- Input data set for 1CES 0078 CE. Layering, Age Assignment, lithologies and potential source properties (top), and boundary conditions (bottom). Note heat flow peak around 110 Ma, and values of approximately60 mW/m2 at present day, used for temperature calibration.
- Temperature Calibration of 1CES 0078 CE. Good fit with BHT data (left), but considerable over-calibration of maturity (VR) data (right). Note impact of erosion (flat part of the curve in the right-hand graph).
- VR Calibration of 1CES 0078 CE. The heat flow scenario (left) required for calibration is unrealistically cold.
- Time extraction showing Transformation ratio of the hypothetic Mundaú source interval.
- Dip line (top) and Strike line (bottom) with wells used for calibration (red).
- Temperature calibration of the Dip line model, unchanged Crustal heat flow scenario. Over-calibration at the location of well 1CES 0052 CE.
- Temperature calibration of the two models, calibrated and decreased heat flow scenario, additionally using decreased radioactive heat production in the basement. Dip line (top): 1CES 0052 CE (left) and 1CES 0055 CE (right). Strike line: 1CES 0048A CE (left), and 1CES 0005A CE (right). Good fit with present day temperature data.
- Temperature calibration at 1CES 0050 CE (Strike line). The mentioned Base Case scenario yields over-calibration (left). In spite of decreased heat flow (additionally -5 mW/m2), the results of the separately calibrated scenario (right) show a similar over-calibration.
- Heat flow history of a location roughly in the middle of the Strike line, Base Case scenario. Note the slow heat flow decline between approximately110 and 66 Ma.
- Present day temperature of the base case scenario. Faults are not displayed in this chapter for better visibility of the results.
- Temperature of pre-defined leads (base case scenario). Most leads show present day temperatures above 70° C. Location of time extractions (Figure 196) are indicated (red dots).
- Time Extractions showing the temperature history of the lead in the SAG layer (left), and of the lead in the Paracurú Formation (right). Extraction locations are displayed in Figure 195. Red lines indicate 80°C.
- Present day temperature of the `hottest` scenario. The isolines are elevated by approximately400 in the shallow part of the section. Compare with Figure 194.
- Present day temperature of the `coldest` scenario. The isolines are depressed by approximately400 in the shallow part of the section. Compare with Figure 194.
- Present day maturity (%Ro) of the Base Case scenario. The yellow area indicates overmaturity. It is elevated around the volcanic build-up due to the high temperatures during intrusion of volcanics.
- Present day maturity (%Ro) of the Base Case scenario, shown for source rocks only. Location of time extractions shown in Figure 201 are indicated with red dots.
- Maturation history of the two sources? Mundaú Fm. (left), and Paracurú Fm. (right). See Figure 200 for location of the extractions.
- Comparison of the two alternative schemes of age assignment. `Official` ages (top) versus younger, IPEX age assignment (bottom). The differences are marginal.
- Variability of present day maturity in dependency upon heat flow history. `Hot` scenario (top) versus `cold` scenario (bottom). The results are not dramatically changed.
- Impact of erosion on present day maturity. Scenario with zero eroded thickness. The results are hardly modified (compare with Figure 200).
- Impact of radioactive heat production in the Basement layer. Scenario with no heat production (top) versus scenario with default properties of a Precambrian granite (bottom). The impact is well visible. The Base Case scenario therefore uses only 50% of heat production of the mentioned lithology.
- Maturity of the sources as calculated in the second, `coldest` Base case scenario. Slight differences when compared with the results displayed in Figure 200.
- Transformation Ratio of the two source rocks as calculated in the Base Case scenario.
- Transformation Ratio of the two source rocks as calculated in the `Really Cold` scenario (top), and in the `Zero Eroded Thickness` scenario (bottom).
- Transformation Ratio in the `coldest` scenario (70-40).
- Transformation Ratio in the scenario using the simpler kinetics by Pepper & Corvi.
- Time extraction of the Mundaú source rock (base case). Location is displayed in the right-hand Figure (red dot). Left Figure: Black curve shows temperature through time. Red curve shows transformation ratio. Note impact of erosions in the temperature history (‘kinks’).
- Time extraction of the Mundaú source rock (cold scenario 70-40). Location is displayed in the right-hand Figure (red dot).
- Time extractions of the Paracurú source rock (base case). Locations are displayed in the right-hand Figure (red dots). Left Figure: All curves now show transformation ratio through time. Note partially ongoing transformation in the Tertiary.
- Time extractions of the Paracurú source rock (very cold). Locations are displayed in the right-hand Figure. In the left graph, blue and purple curves show temperature, while black and red curves show transformation ratio.
- Distribution of Pressure Excess Hydraulic. Overpressure is present in the deep part of the sequence inboard of the shelf slope. Note that the range of values is 0 -5 MPa in this Figure.
- Modeled porosity distribution. The only lead which faces a risk of porosity / reservoir quality is the deepest one, located in the SAG sequence.
- Present day temperature of the strike line, base case scenario. The lifted isolines at basement level are due to high conductivities of the volcanic rocks above.
- Temperature of pre-defined leads (base case scenario). All shallow leads show present day temperatures below 70° C. Location of time extractions (Figure 219) are indicated (red dots).
- Time extractions of selected leads (base case scenario). The extractions are shown from left to right according to their location indicated in Figure 218. Small risk of biodegradation (top and bottom), medium risk of secondary cracking in the deepest lead (middle).
- Reservoir temperatures as a result of simulating the `coldest` end member scenario. Variability of reservoir temperatures is not dramatic.
- Present day maturity of the strike line, base case scenario. Overlay is displayed for the whole section (top), and for the source intervals only (bottom). Blue color indicates immaturity, green colors show oil window maturity, red is for gas window. The Paracurú source is immature in the platform area, while the Mundaú source is largely in the gas window.
- Present day maturity of the strike line, sensitivity testing. Hottest end member (top), and coldest end member (bottom). The general maturity profile is not modified by in large.
- Transformation ratio of sources in the base case scenario. The Mundaú source is mostly completely transformed. The Paracurú source shows a similar range of maturity when compared to the results of the dip line.
- Sensitivity testing of transformation ratio. Hottest end member scenario (top), and scenario with zero eroded thickness (bottom).
- Time extractions of the Mundaú source rock (base case). Locations are displayed in the right Figure. In the left graph, all curves display history of transformation ratio.
- Time extractions of the Paracurú source rock (base case). Locations are displayed in the right Figure. All curves display history of transformation ratio.
- Distribution of Pressure Excess Hydraulic. No significant overpressures are present in the Strike line model. Note that the range of values is 0 -5 MPa in this Figure.
- Modeled porosity distribution. The only lead which faces a risk of porosity / reservoir quality is the deepest one, located in the SAG sequence.
- Migration history of the Dip line. Displayed time steps are 103 Ma, 99 Ma, 80 Ma, 66 Ma, 23 Ma and Present Day. The blue overlay colors indicate areas with petroleum saturation above zero. Green vectors depict liquid, red vectors vaporous hydrocarbons. Most expelled HCs (mostly gas from the Mundaú Formation) are lost through seepage until 23 Ma. The Paracurú source rock charges the system very late.
- Migration simulation results of the base case scenario. The modeled accumulations are very small. The total amount of trapped liquids is only 12 MMbbls. See Figure 229 for further explanation.
- Migration simulation results of the base case scenario, calculated in IP mode (default settings). The modeled accumulations are very small. Dark green and red dots indicate migration (percolation), light green and red dots indicate accumulated petroleum. See Figure 229 for further explanation.
- Migration simulation results of the base case scenario, calculated in IP mode (default settings). Zoom-in into the platform area. No overlay is displayed in order to make the lead distribution visible (yellow). One accumulation is highlighted (red arrow).
- Migration simulation results of the hottest scenario (`CrustHF`). Charge from the Paracurú is considerably increased.
- Migration simulation results of the coldest scenario (`70-40`). All hydrocarbons are now sourced from the Mundaú sequence.
- Migration simulation results of the colder Base Case scenario with dedicated seals above the defined leads. The amount of trapped petroleum is not significantly increased.
- Migration simulation results of the colder Base Case scenario with dedicated seals above the defined leads, calculated in IP mode. The amount of trapped petroleum is now well increased. The accumulation in the Sag layer (red arrow) now contains approximately 97 MMbbls of oil in place. Two other accumulations are highlighted with red circles.
- Migration simulation results of a `hotter` scenario (Crustal heat flow -10 mW/m2) with dedicated seals calculated in IP mode. A lead in the slope area in the Paracurú Formation is highlighted (red circle).
- Migration history of the strike line. Displayed time steps are 103 Ma, 98 Ma, 80 Ma, 66 Ma, 23 Ma and Present Day. The blue overlay colors indicate areas with petroleum saturation above zero. Green vectors depict liquid, red vectors depict vaporous hydrocarbons. Most expelled HCs are lost through seepage until 23 Ma. Recent oil charge (green) occurs from the Paracurú source in the eastern part of the section.
- Migration modeling result of the Strike line (base case scenario). Selected accumulations in defined leads are highlighted (red circles).
- Migration modeling result of the Strike line (base case scenario). Zoom-in into the eastern area. No overlay is shown for visibility of leads (yellow). Accumulations in leads are highlighted (red circles). One accumulation is shown with composition (red arrow).
- Migration modeling result of the Strike line (base case scenario), calculated in IP mode. Zoom-in into the eastern area. No overlay is shown for visibility of leads (yellow). Accumulations are generally similarly distributed, but mostly smaller. The same accumulation as in Figure 240 is highlighted (red arrow).
- Migration modeling result of the Strike line (`hot` scenario with unchanged Crustal heat flow).
- Migration modeling result of the Strike line (`cold` scenario, 70-40 mW/m2).
- The impact of a combination of moderately hotter heat flow and sealed leads is analyzed in Figure 245. The total amount of accumulated hydrocarbons is further increased to 1,350 MMbbls. The volume of the highlighted accumulation (Figure 243) is slightly decreased to 508 MMbbls of oil when flashed to surface conditions.
- Migration along faults can have an impact on the finally accumulated volumes in this model to much greater degree than it is the case in the Dip line model. The previously discussed models use the approach with faults that are first open and then closed. Four different fault scenarios are compared in Figure 246, which all use the same heat flow model and the Hybrid migration mode. The same set of fault scenarios was also calculated in the colder Base Case scenario. The results do not differ significantly from the ones discussed here and are therefore not presented in the course of this report.
- Migration simulation results of the scenario with special sealing lithologies above the leads. A much larger amount of Mundaú sourced hydrocarbons is trapped in this version of the model. One large accumulation occurs in the Mundaú Formation
- Migration simulation results of the scenario with special sealing lithologies above the leads combined with higher heat flow.
- Comparison of fault scenarios. The total amount of trapped petroleum and the filling of one selected accumulation (red arrow) are displayed. Closed faults (top), and open faults (bottom). Open properties for normal faults /closed properties for reverse faults (top), and no faults considered (bottom).
- Dip line model with facies overlay, displaying the defined and numbered leads.
- Strike line model with facies overlay, displaying the defined and numbered leads.
- Event chart of Ceará Basin showing the main events during the evolution of the petroleum system of the basin.
- Volume IV
- Location of the piston cores samples taken from Pará-Maranhão basin.
- Structural map of the platform area of Pará-Maranhão Basin (modified from Zanotto and Szatimari, 1987). The white dots indicate the limit of the Ilha de Santana platform. Note that the Gurupi structural high marks a shift in the direction of the basin structures from NW-SE (in its eastern) to E-W (in its western portion).
- Structural map of the platform area of Pará-Maranhão Basin highlighting the different fault sets (Equatorial System Faults) in the region. To the West of Ilha de Santana Gabren two sets faults predominates E-W and NNE-SSW, and to the East, NW-SE and NNW-SSE fault systems predominate.
- Gravimetric Map of the Pará-Maranhão basin. Note that the limit of the Ilha de Santana platform and the Eastern depocenter are well delimitated by the anomalies to the east of Gurupi arch.
- Models of structural traps associated with positive (a) and negative (b) flower-structures from Pará-Maranhão basin (Rostirolla et al. 1999).
- Schematic model of a continental margin affected by gravity sliding. The topographic difference increases with the differential thermal subsidence and with the tectonic uplifting, and decreases with the proximal subsidence due to the sedimentary load. (Rowan et al., 2004).
- DIP oriented geological section of Pará-Maranhão basin displaying the main structures related to the extensional and compressive regimes.
- DIP oriented seismic section of Pará-Maranhão basin exemplifying the plays associated to the extensional regime.
- 3D diagram exemplifying the structures and the mechanism related to the gravitational sliding.
- Seismic examples of fold-thrust belts in the Pará-Maranhão Basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin (modified from Zalán, 2005).
- Stratigraphic chart displaying the overall facies association of the five main tectono-stratigraphic sequences of Pará-Maranhão (Soares et al, 2007).
- Diamondoid concentrations in extractable liquids from source rocks and coals reveal an exponential increase in the gas window (Ro ~1.1 to 4%; Wei et al., 2006).
- Example of a GC trace of headspace analysis of a sediment sample.
- Correlation between ethane and methane concentrations.
- Ethane/ethane ratios versus methane concentrations.
- CO2 and ethane concentrations normalized to methane concentrations.
- Propane versus ethane concentrations, normalized to the methane concentrations.
- Map of iso-values of ethane concentrations (in ppm).
- Map of iso-values of ethane/ethene ratios.
- Map of iso-values of propane/propene ratios.
- Map of iso-values of ethane/methane ratios.
- Map of iso-values of wetness (in percent)
- Map of the Pará-Maranhão basin, with all the sampled piston cores, and the four oil-anomaly locations.
- TSF MI versus R1 values for all sediment extracts from Pará-Maranhão basin.
- TSF MI versus UCM values for all sediment extracts from Pará-Maranhão basin.
- UCM versus R1 values for all sediment extracts from Pará-Maranhão basin.
- Map of the total scanning fluorescence, TSF, maximum fluorescence intensity, MFI, of the piston core extracts from top, middle and bottom sections of the core.
- GC chromatogram of the organic extract obtained from the extraction of sediment sample PMR311 (CBC0003) recovered from the top section of the core.
- GC chromatogram of the organic extract obtained from the extraction of sediment sample PMR328 (CBC0005) recovered from the top section of the core.
- GC chromatogram of the organic extract obtained from the extraction of sediment sample PMR032 (CBC0102) recovered from the middle section of the core.
- GC chromatogram of the organic extract obtained from the extraction of sediment sample PMR032 (CBC0002) recovered from the top section of the core.
- GC chromatogram of the organic extract obtained from the extraction of sediment sample PMR032 (CBC0202) recovered from the bottom section of the core.
- UCM versus summation of n-alkanes values for all sediment extracts from Pará-Maranhão basin.
- UCM versus thermogenic hydrocarbons/ diagenetic hydrocarbons ratio, T/D, values for all sediment extracts from Pará-Maranhão basin.
- Map of concentration of Σ n-alkanes (ng/g) of the piston core extracts from top (A), middle (B), and bottom (C) core sections.
- Map of the UCM content (ug/g) of the piston core extracts from top (A), middle (B), and bottom (C) core sections.
- GC chromatogram of the organic extract obtained from the extraction of sediment sample PMR032 (CBC0002) recovered from the top section of the core.
- GC-MS chromatogram, m/z 191, of the organic extract obtained from the extraction of marine sediment sample PMR032, CBC0002, recovered from the top section of the core. Note that the presence of tricyclic terpanes and hopanes.
- GC-MS chromatogram, m/z 217, of the organic extract obtained from the extraction of marine sediment sample PMR032, CBC0002, recovered from the top section of the core. Note that the presence of C29-steranes.
- Correlation of PMR032 (CBC0002) sample and Pará-Maranhão oil based on biomarker profiles, m/z 191 and 217.
- Mass chromatograms m/z 191 of terpanes of (A) a reference oil from Pará-Maranhão basin, and organic extracts obtained from the extraction of sediment samples (B) CBC0001, (C) CBC0002 and (D) CBD0102 recovered from the cores PMR019 and PMR032.
- Mass chromatograms m/z 217 of steranes of (A) a reference oil from Pará-Maranhão basin, and organic extracts obtained from the extraction of sediment samples (B) CBC0001, (C) CBC0002 and (D) CBD0102 recovered from the cores PMR019 and PMR032.
- Correlation of PMR019 (CBC0001) sample and Pará-Maranhão oil based on aromatic biomarker profile m/z 245 for triaromatic methylsteranes.
- Correlation of PMR032 (CBC0002) sample and Pará-Maranhão oil based on aromatic biomarker profile m/z 245 for triaromatic methylsteranes.
- Map showing the hydrocarbon classification based on saturate and aromatic biomarker analysis.
- The classical diamondoid-biomarker cross-plot applied to gas/ oil seep detection.
- The classical diamondoid-biomarker cross-plot applied to gas/ oil seep detection (detail from Figure 33).
- GC chromatogram of the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) sample CBD0003 (cabo de aço).
- GC chromatogram of the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) sample CBD0004 (local manuseio liner).
- GC chromatogram of the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) lubrificant oil sample CBD0008.
- GC chromatogram of the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) hydraulic oil sample CBD0010.
- GC chromatogram of the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) fuel oil sample CBD0009.