ANP is evaluating fields with marginal accumulations to be included in the Permanent Offer regime. The objective is to develop an inventory and evaluate the conditions of the wells and other existing structures.
The first inspections were in onshore fields Barra do Ipiranga, Jacupemba, Mariricu Oeste, Nativo Oeste, Rio Barra Seca, Rio Ibiribasr, Rio Itaúnas Leste and Rio São Mateus Oeste in the Espírito Santo Basin.
With these surveys, ANP is following market demand. The surveys will be carried out periodically, as new areas with marginal accumulations become available for inclusion in the Permanent Offer. For 2020, there will be at least two more initiatives in this model aimed at attracting new investments in development and production, including improving the information contained in the Summary of Areas in order to allow companies that are interested in acquiring them a better view of what is being offered.
What is the Permanent Offer?
The Permanent Offering of areas for exploration and production of oil and natural gas provides for the continuous offer of fields and/or blocks returned to ANP (or those in the process of being returned) as well as exploratory blocks that went unauctioned in previous rounds.
Source: ANP