Integrated Services
Petroleum Systems Modeling and Resource Assessment
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Efficient de-risking of exploration targets has gained ever-increasing relevance in the oil and gas industry in the past few decades. For this purpose, a profound understanding of sedimentary basins and of the petroleum systems that may be present therein is required in the first place. Petroleum Systems Analysis (PSA) is carried out using Petroleum Systems Modelling (PSM), which has developed from a niche-technology into an indispensable tool used in almost any exploration project worldwide. Petroleum Systems models can be built in 1D, 2D, or 3D, and provide insight into all the processes that must be present and working in order to constitute a promising petroleum system.
PSM is capable of digesting literally any available data obtained from sedimentary basins, and integrating these huge and heterogenous data sets into a single Model Input, which can then be simulated. The results allow for a holistic view of petroleum systems and exploration targets, offer improved understanding of the system and its exploration potential, yielding insight into all relevant processes and their interdependency, such as compaction and pressure, source rock maturation, charge volumes, migration, and – most relevant – the history and timing of all these processes, and many more parameters.
As such, PSM can be used for mere basin screening on a large scale, even where few data are available, as well as high-resolution prospect maturation and well planning, where precise predictions are required as to charge, pore pressure, reservoir quality, hydrocarbon volumetrics and phase, etc. etc. It is likewise suitable to serve as a playground to test new concepts, ideas, play types, or general approaches to exploration.
The BPS PSM team, led by Hans Axel Kemna (a.k.a. ‘Hansa’) has been utilizing PSM for more than 20 years. The group has a capacity of manpower equaling cumulative knowledge and experience of more than 50 years with the technology. Our expert staff has detailed knowledge concerning all Brazilian basins, but is as well highly experienced in a wide variety of basins worldwide.
Our staff is trained in the usage of both leading PSM software packages: Trinity™ and Petromod™. While Trinity follows a simplistic, map-based approach that yields mainly probabilistic, and very valuable insight into the petroleum system fast, Petromod is capable of simulating multi-million finite cell models of potentially very high predictive accuracy.
The study record of BPS is very large, as modeling projects of the vast majority of Brazilian basins have been carried out over the years. While reports and presentations of all these studies are directly accessible within the BPS Geodatabase, live Petromod and Trinity model data are available within short notice, including delivery and installation by expert staff at the client’s premises.
Our portfolio of multi-client modelling projects and studies is constantly growing. We also support clients worldwide by performing proprietary studies. Here, the integration of confidential data with our database and knowledge can yield quantum steps within the exploration process, as new understanding, new insights, and, thus, new exploration targets emerge from the holistic view on a petroleum system that only Petroleum Systems Modelling can provide.