Message from BPS President

It seems like the perfect storm. We all know the challenges that have hit the world and our industry so dramatically over recent months. And the impacts are greater than anyone could have imagined, probably generating lasting effects for months, or even years to come. But right now, the important thing is staying safe, protecting ourselves and our loved ones, and putting everything in place to continue to succeed through these uncertain times. Always remembering, the storm will pass, and those with the determination to keep pushing forward will be those who come out strongest on the other side.
With this in mind, we want to reinforce to our clients and the Brazilian O&G community that we are standing strong, refuse to get swept away, and are doubling our efforts to guarantee the continued success of our clients. We will find the silver lining.
We thank you all for your continued support and promise it will pay dividends for your organization over the years to come.
Best wishes to you all,

Marcio Rocha Mello

BPS President

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