3D Petroleum System Modeling and Exploration Risk Assessment of the Plays, Leads and Prospects of the Rift and Drift Sections of the Deep and Ultra Deep Areas encompassing the blocks of the Pre-salt Giant Oil Fields of the Southern Santos Basin
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This project was developed in a large deep water area of Santos Basin, where important oil discoveries were made: Lula, Sul de Lula, Sapinhoá, Sul de Sapinhoá and Lapa. The basis of the project was a 3D seismic dataset that allowed the interpretation of nine stratigraphic horizons. A complex 3D structural restoration was carried out of the salt layer through time that influenced the fill and spill of hydrocarbons in the area. A geological sensitivity analysis was carried out on the richness of the main source rocks to understand the inherent interactions between hydrocarbon migration, composition, charge of reservoirs and volumes of the accumulated petroleum.
The organic-rich sedimentary section expected to be present in the Santos basin can be divided into three potential source rock systems: the lacustrine Guaratiba Formation; the marine anoxic Guarujá Formation and the marine highly anoxic Itajaí-Açu Formation. The source rocks are mature and contributed to the hydrocarbon generation and migration. The traps are essentially of structural nature with large anticlines related to salt pillows and sandstones pinchout.
All of the recent discoveries in the studied area were reproduced by the model. The main expected reservoirs in this model are in the rift sequence, especially in the microbial limestones in the top of the Alagoas Sequence. In addition to the pre-salt accumulations, future liquid reserves in Santos Basin should also come from late Cretaceous deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoirs.
Full references of all images are listed in the reports
- Santos basin – technical report
- Regional geology and techtonical framework
- Rift seismic interpretation
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Building the 3d model
- Facies definition and assignment
- Model boundary conditions
- Heat flow calculation through time
- Surface to water interface and paleo-water depth
- Source rock definition
- Kinetics
- 3d salt restoration through time
- Maturity, pressure and temperature modeling results
- Maturity of source rocks and hydrocarbons expulsion time
- Barremian buracica/piçarras source rocks
- Early aptian jiquiá/itapema source rocks
- Mid aptian alagoas/barra velha source rock
- Maturity of source rocks and hydrocarbons expulsion time
- Temperature, porosity and pressure conditions at reservoir levels
- Accumulations compositions and migration
- First scenario
- Buracica piçarras reservoirs
- Itapema jiquiá reservoirs
- Alagoas sag clastic reservoirs
- Alagoas sag carbonates
- Alagoas sag reservoir
- Saturation and hc structure filling (based on first reference scenario)
- Gor and api (based on the first reference scenario)
- Second scenario
- Petroleum systems mass balance
- Conclusions
- References
- Santos Basin localization map.
- (a)-(d) Reconstructions of the South Atlantic showing plate outlines and interpretations at four time steps: 55, 95, 105, 120 Ma. Note COB, Veeshaped HST’s, unclosed gap in the southernmost Atlantic at 120 Ma. (Dickison et al., 2003).
- Geological map of Southeastern Brazil and Southwestern Africa prior to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean (modified from De Wit et al., 1988). Onshore localities are (from southwest to northeast) Florianópolis (FL), Santos (SA), and Rio de Janeiro (RJ) in Brazil; and Luanda (LU) in Africa (Meisling et al., 2001).
- Stratigraphic chart of Santos Basin showing the position of the Guarujá and Guaratiba formations (modified from Moreira et. al, 2007).
- Tectonostratigraphic events chart for the Campos and Santos basins, showing timing of hot spot, rifting and structural events (Meisling et al., 2001).
- Map of South Atlantic and adjacent continents showing marine gravity anomalies from satellite altimetry (Sandwell & Smith, 1995), outline of onshore Paraná and Etendeka (EL) lavas, Mid- Atlantic Ridge (MAR), major fracture zones (Rio de Janeiro fracture zone = RJFZ; Florianópolis fracture zone = FFZ) , tracks of Tristão da Cunha and Trindade hot spots ( unfilled circles with ages in Ma), resulting seamounts (TR = Trindade; MV = Martin Vaz; TC = Tristão da Cunha) , and other offshore features (PB = Pelotas Basin; TA = Torres Arch; FP = Florianópolis Platform; RG = Rio Grande Rise; SB = Santos Basin; CB = Campos Basin; AP = Abrolhos Plateau; ES = Espírito Santo Basin; NB = Namib Basin; WB Walvis Basin; LB = Luderitz Basin) . The color bar shows anomaly values in mGal (Meisling et al., 2001).
- Schematic cross-section showing the entrapment of oil and gas within the porous carbonate facies of the Guarujá Formation in the Tubarão field, southern Santos Basin (modified from Pereira et al., 1994).
- Interpreted seismic section of the Santos Basin with Pre-Salt sequence in detail.
- Interpreted seismic section of the Santos Basin with the six stratigraphic sequences.
- Interpreted seismic section of the Santos Basin with the main rift sequences in detail.
- Interpreted seismic section of the Santos Basin presenting the main Rift layers, highlighting Carioca and Tupi highs and Oil Slick zones as well.
- Seismic section in depth showing the location of the Tupi High and the main reservoir horizons, the Santos Basin.
- Seismic section in depth showing the location of the Jupiter High and the main reservoir horizons, the Santos Basin.
- Three dimensional view of the 9 mapped horizons.
- Seismic mapped horizons and their correlations in the model.
- Stratigraphic chart, mapped horizons and unconformities and model layers of three dimensional model of the Santos Basin – Stratigraphic chart from Moreira et al, 2007.
- Grid points distance (red lines) at the original model.
- Detail of the three dimensional model showing the detailed final migration grid with 1×1 km of cell resolution.
- Seismic pattern in the three defined rift sequences. The seismic section is flattened in the salt base.
- Seismic facies used in the modeling and their correspondence with seismic.
- Composite log of the well 1-RJS-0628 and the type section of the Piçarras Formation, modified from Moreira et al. 2007.
- Composite log of the 1-RJS-625 type section of the Barra Velha Formation, modified from Moreira et al. 2007. In the upper part of the Itapema Formation an important level of radioactive shales can be recognized.
- Facies map of the Late_Paleogene_Early_Neogene_02, 17.5 Ma.
- Facies map of the Late_Cretaceous_Early_Paleogene_02, 47.6 Ma.
- Facies map of the Late_Cretaceous_Early_Paleogene_03, 65 Ma.
- Facies map of the Late_Cretaceous_Early_Paleogene_04_turb, 83.5 Ma.
- Facies map of the Late_Cretaceous_Early_Paleogene_05_turb, 95.5 Ma.
- Facies map of Evaporite_Ariri_top, 112 Ma.
- Facies map of Evaporite_Ariri_Halite, 112.8 Ma.
- Facies map of Sag_Barra_Velha_Reservoir, 113 Ma.
- Facies map of the Sag_Barra_Velha_SR, 115.5 Ma.
- Facies map of the Sag_Barra_Velha_Carbonates, 116.5 Ma.
- Facies map of the Sag_Barra_Velha_shale, 120.3 Ma.
- Facies map of the Sag_Barra_Velha_Clastic, 121.9 Ma.
- Facies map of the Jiquiá_Itapema_01, 123.1 Ma.
- Facies map of the Jiquiá_Itapema_SR, 124.1 Ma.
- Facies map of the Jiquiá_Itapema_02, 124.5 Ma.
- Facies map of the Buracica_Picarras_01, 126.4 Ma.
- Facies map of the Buracica_Picarras_SR, 127.3 Ma.
- Facies map of the Buracica_Picarras_02, 127.7 Ma.
- Facies map of the Buracica_Picarras_03, 129 Ma.
- Facies Map of the Basement, 134.4 Ma.
- Calibration data (temperature from 1-AGIP-2).
- Surface to water interface temperature.
- Thickness map of the Buracica source rock (m).
- Hydrogen Index map of the Buracica source rock (mgTOC/gTOC).
- TOC map of the Buracica source rock (%).
- Thickness map of the Jiquiá source rock (m).
- Hydrogen Index map of the Jiquiá source rock (mgTOC/gTOC).
- TOC map of the Jiquiá source rock (%).
- Thickness map of the Alagoas source rock (m).
- Hydrogen Index map of the Alagoas source rock (mgTOC/gTOC).
- TOC map of the Alagoas source rock (%).
- Second Scenario – Thickness map of the Jiquiá source rocks (m).
- Second Scenario – Hydrogen Index map of the Jiquiá source rocks (mgTOC/gTOC).
- Second Scenario – TOC map of the Jiquiá source rocks (%).
- Second Scenario – Hydrogen Index map of the Alagoas (SAG) source rocks (mgTOC/gTOC).
- Second Scenario – TOC map of the Alagoas (SAG) source rocks (%).
- Primary cracking kinetics for Buracica SR (IES Alaskan Tasmanite BH056 4 Compounds), from Petromod library.
- Primary cracking kinetics for Jiquiá SR (IES Boghead Coal BH 005 4 Compounds), from Petromod library.
- Primary cracking kinetics for Alagoas SR (IES Boghead Coal BH 005 4 Compounds), from Petromod library.
- Waples (2000) reaction used in the secondary cracking reactions: C2-C5 to methane. The histogram shows the activation energy versus initial ratio (proportion of each activation band). The Arrhenius constant value to this reaction is 3.15e+28 m.y.-1.
- Pepper (1995), type I reaction used in the secondary cracking reactions: C6-C14 to C2-C5 and C15+ to C6-C14. The histogram shows the activation energy versus initial ratio (proportion of each activation band). The Arrhenius constant value for this reaction is 3.15e+27 m.y.-1.
- 3D view of the initial salt layer (Halite). This layer is derived from present day salt distribution.
- Thickness map of the halite layer at 112.8 Ma.
- 3D view of the present day salt layer (Halite).
- Thickness map of the halite layer at present day. The red line is the cross section showed in Error! Reference source not found..
- Salt Restoration through time. The location of the cross section is showed in Error! Reference source not found.
- Transformation ratio of the Buracica source rock at present day. The areas close to structural highs aren’t fully transformed.
- Generation windows of the Buracica source rock at present day.
- Transformation ratio of the Buracica source rock at 65 Ma.
- Transformation ratio of the Buracica source rock at 98 Ma.
- Transformation ratio of the Buracica source rock at 112 Ma.
- Expulsion time of Buracica source rock.
- Transformation Ratio of the Jiquiá source rock at present day.
- Generation windows of the Jiquiá source rock at present day.
- Transformation Ration of the Jiquiá source rock at 65 Ma.
- Transformation Ration of the Jiquiá source rock at 98 Ma.
- Transformation Ration of the Jiquiá source rock at 112 Ma.
- Expulsion time of the Jiquiá source rock.
- Transformation Ration of the Alagoas source rock at present day.
- Generation Windows of the Alagoas source rock at present day.
- Transformation Ration of the Alagoas source rock at 65 Ma.
- Transformation Ration of the Alagoas source rock at 98 Ma.
- Transformation Ration of the Alagoas source rock at 112 Ma.
- Expulsion time of the Alagoas source rock.
- Predicted porosity of the Buracica/Piçarras 02 layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Buracica/Piçarras 02 layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Buracica/Piçarras 01 layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Buracica/Piçarras 01 layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Jiquiá/Itapema 02 layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Jiquiá/Itapema 02 layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Jiquiá/Itapema 01 layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Jiquiá/Itapema 01 layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Barra Velha Clastics layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Barra Velha Clastics layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Barra Velha Carbonates layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Barra Velha Carbonates layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Barra Velha Reservoirs layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Barra Velha Reservoirs layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 05 Turb layer.
- Predicted vertical permeability of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 05 Turb layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 05 Turb layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 04 Turb layer.
- Predicted vertical permeability of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 04 Turb layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 04 Turb layer.
- Predicted porosity of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 02 Turb layer.
- Predicted vertical permeability of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 02 Turb layer.
- Predicted temperature of the Late Cretaceous/Early Paleogene 02 Turb layer.
- Main potential reservoir levels.
- Map of Accumulations of the Buracica/Piçarras 01 and 02 reservoirs.
- Three dimensional view of the Buracica/Piçarras accumulations.
- Petroleum Saturation map (from 5 to 100%) of the Buracica/Piçarras 02 and 03 reservoirs.
- Map of Accumulations of the Itapema/Jiquiá reservoirs.
- Petroleum Saturation (between from 5 to 20%) of the Itapema/Jiquiá 02 reservoirs.
- Petroleum Saturation (between from 5 to 20%) of the Itapema/Jiquiá 01 reservoirs.
- Filling History (Petroleum Saturation) and temperature evolution in the BM-S-11 area through time. It is important to note that saturation reaches about 1.30 % (residual saturation) and after this it decreases, indicating a bypass of oil in this layer.
- Map of Accumulations of the Alagoas SAG Clastic reservoirs.
- Petroleum Saturation (between 5% to 100%) at SAG Clastic Reservoirs.
- Reservoir filling history of the Sag Clastic Reservoirs.
- Map of accumulations in the Alagoas SAG Carbonates reservoirs.
- Petroleum Saturation of the Alagoas SAG Carbonates Reservoir.
- Reservoir Filling History of the Alagoas SAG Carbonates reservoirs.
- Map showing the hydrocarbon accumulations in the Alagoas SAG Reservoir layer.
- Map showing the hydrocarbon accumulations in the Alagoas SAG Reservoir layer.
- Petroleum Saturation (%) at Alagoas Sag Reservoir. The red ellipsoid means the region of the extracted points related to Error! Reference source not found..
- Reservoir filling History from the Alagoas Sag Reservoir, and are related with the filling of the Tupi High reservoirs (location in Error! Reference source not found.). Main peaks began approximately at 40 Ma, although some migration pulses can be recognized since 90 Ma.
- Stacked Accumulations in the Tupi area, BM-S-11 Block.
- Stacked Accumulations in the Iara area, BM-S-11 Block.
- Evolution of the volumes, API Degree and Gas-Oil Ratio through time at the TUPI South Accumulation.
- Evolution of the volumes, API Degree and Gas-Oil Ratio through time at the TUPI North Accumulation.
- Evolution of the volumes, API Degree and Gas-Oil Ratio through time at the Iara Accumulation.
- Structure filling of the Upper Alagoas Accumulations.
- Structure filling of the all rift accumulations.
- Average of liquid cell saturation and the location of the main prospects in the study area.
- Average of vapor cell saturation and the location of the main prospects in the study area.
- API Degree of the Upper Alagoas Sequence.
- API Degree of the all Rift Sequence (9 Potential Reservoir Layers).
- GOR (stb/scf) of the Upper Alagoas Sequence accumulations.
- GOR (stb/scf) of all Rift Sequence (9 Potential Reservoir Layers).
- GOR (black circles) and their relationship with the basement deepening toward the southwest.
- GOR (black circles) and their relationship with the Maturation (Generation Windows) of the Buracica SR.
- GOR (black circles) and their relationship with the temperature of basement top.
- Graph showing the mass balance for both considered scenarios. Values are presented in billion of barrels.