Hydrocarbon Potential Assessment of The Santos Cluster Area Based on Oil Slick, Piston Core and 2D Petroleum System Modeling Analysis
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Satellite oil slick detection integrated with oil seep characterization using Piston Core Technology supported by high-resolution geochemistry is considered today a strategic technology for exploration in frontier basins were geophysical and geological data are scarce or non-existent for all major petroleum E&P companies.
The presence of oil slicks and seeps at the surface of the ocean were interpreted within a context of petroleum systems present in the area and highlighted the occurrence of mixtures from Type I and Type II organic matter attributed to presalt lacustrine saline source rocks generation, mixed with low thermal maturity and partially biodegraded marine siliclastic derived Albian-Cenomanian derived oils.
The acquisition and interpretation of Radarsat-1 images offer a unique methodology for subsurface pre-exploration.
Full references of all images are listed in the reports
- Introduction
- Geologic Setting
- Methodology
- Oil Slick
- Study Area
- Selection of RADARSAT–1 Satellite Images
- Monitoring Meteorological and Oceanographic Conditions
- 2 Piston Core
- Description
- Selection of Piston Core Locations
- Core Acquisition
- Geochemical Analysis of Piston Cores
- Oil Slick
- Oil Slick Results
- Classification by Textures of RADARSAT–1 Images
- 2 Monitoring Meteorological and Oceanographic Conditions
- Seepage Slicks Interpretation
- Seepage Slicks over the Regional Geology
- Piston Core Results
- Area of the blocks BM-S-9, 21, 22 and 24
- Sample Collection and Core Penetration
- Surface Geochemistry and Microbial Techniques
- Screening Analyses
- High Resolution Geochemical Techniques
- Geochemical Results and Discussions
- Headspace gas
- Sorbed Soil Gases
- Integration of Oil Slicks, Oil Seeps and Seismic Data
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Bibliography
- Map of the study area where oil slick and Piston Core data were acquired and integrated with oil fields, seismic data and exploration blocks.
- Map of the study area overlaid over the Santos Basin bathymetry (ETOPO) image shadowed and colorized and the location of the exploratory blocks over which the piston core survey was performed (white Blocks). This image was processed starting with GRID format data with NE lighting and 45o elevation.
- Index map with coverage of 24 (twenty four) RADARSAT-1 images filed and programmed for study area
- Example of seismic data used for Piston Core location selection.
- Example of a vessel set up for piston core and Heat Flow acquisition.
- Example of positioning procedure using the underwater hydroacoustic piston positioning system to ensure accurate core placement. This system is very important in waters deeper than 200m, where bottom currents may displace the sampling location of the piston corer and Heat Flow prior to collection.
- Illustration of a sub-bottom profile used to ensure the sampling location and core and Heat Flow positioning within a 10m range. HRT-Petroleum and FUGRO-OceansatPEG have vast experience in both offshore shallow water and deep water operations in Brazil and abroad.
- On board core description, logging and sectioning.
- HRT-Petroleum Laboratory, in Rio de Janeiro, where piston core samples are analyzed.
- Index map with coverage of 24 (twenty four) RADARSAT-1 images filed and programmed for study area and the 44 (forty four) seepage slicks candidates identified in a preliminary analysis.
- Location of RADARSAT-1 full resolution images used in this project.
- Descending RADARSAT-1 Wide 1 (W1) image acquired on July 16, 1998 at 0828:47 (GMT).
- Seepage slicks interpretation in the RADARSAT-1 Wide 1 (W1) image acquired on July 16, 1998 at 0828:47 (GMT).
- Descending RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Wide B (SWB) image acquired on May 10, 1997 at 0828:23 (GMT).
- Seepage slicks interpretation in the RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Wide B (SWB) image acquired on May 10, 1997 at 0828:23 (GMT).
- Ascending RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow B (SNB) image acquired on April 17, 2007 at 21:43:29 (GMT).
- Seepage slicks interpretation in the RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow B (SNB) image acquired on April 17, 2007 at 21:43:29 (GMT).
- Descending RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) image acquired on March 19, 2007 at 08:28:58 (GMT).
- Seepage slicks interpreted in the RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) image acquired on March 19, 2007 at 08:28:58 (GMT).
- Descending RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) northern image acquired on April 19, 2007 at 08:24:04 (GMT).
- Seepage slick interpretation in the RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) northern image acquired on April 19, 2007 at 08:24:04 (GMT).
- Descending RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) southern image acquired on April 19, 2007 at 08:24:45 (GMT).
- Seepage slicks interpretation in the RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) southern image acquired on April 19, 2007 at 08:24:45 (GMT).
- Ascending RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) image acquired on March 21, 2007 at 21:31:11 (GMT).
- Seepage slicks interpretation of the RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) image acquired on March 21, 2007 at 21:31:11 (GMT).
- Descending RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) image acquired on March 26, 2007 at 08:24:45 (GMT).
- Seepage slicks interpretation of the RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Narrow A (SNAR) image acquired on March 26, 2007 at 08:24:45 (GMT).
- Seepage slicks interpretation over the Piston Core location map.
- Seepage slicks interpretation over the Piston Core location map.
- Seepage slicks interpretation over the Piston Core location map.
- Seepage slicks interpretation over the Piston Core location map.
- Seepage slicks interpretation over the Piston Core location map.
- Sea Surface Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 17:18 hours GMT on July 16, 1998.
- Cloud Top Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 08:05 hours GMT on July 16, 1998.
- Wind Field Intensity (m/s) Map obtained at 11:36 hours GMT on July 16, 1998.
- Sea Surface Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 17:45 hours GMT on May 10, 1997.
- Cloud Top Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 07:45 hours GMT on May 10, 1997.
- Wind Field Intensity Map obtained at 09:48 hours GMT on May 10, 1997.
- Sea Surface Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 16:55 hours GMT on April 17, 2007.
- Cloud Top Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 16:55 hours GMT on April 17, 2007.
- Wind Field Intensity Map obtained at 21:12 hours GMT on May 17, 2007.
- Chlorophyll-A Concentration Map at sea surface (CHL) obtained at 16:55 Hours GMT on April 17, 2007.
- Sea Surface Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 04:25 hours GMT on March 20, 2007.
- Cloud Top Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 03:40 hours GMT on March 19, 2007.
- Wind Field Intensity Map obtained at 09:02 hours GMT on March 19, 2007.
- Chlorophyll-A Concentration Map at sea surface (CHL) obtained at 16:35 Hours GMT on March 20, 2007.
- Sea Surface Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 04:35 hours GMT on April 19, 2007 (North image)
- Cloud Top Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 04:35 hours GMT on April 19, 2007. (North image)
- Wind Field Intensity Map obtained at 09:00 hours GMT on April 19, 2007. (North image)
- Chlorophyll-A Concentration Map at sea surface (CHL) obtained at 16:45 Hours GMT on April 19, 2007. (North image)
- Sea Surface Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 04:35 hours GMT on April 19, 2007 (South image).
- Cloud Top Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 04:35 hours GMT on April 19, 2007 (South image).
- Wind Field Intensity Map obtained at 09:00 hours GMT on April 19, 2007 (South image).
- Chlorophyll-A Concentration Map at sea surface (CHL) obtained at 16:45 Hours GMT on April 19, 2007 (South image).
- Sea Surface Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 12:55 hours GMT on March 21, 2007.
- Cloud Top Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 04:15 hours GMT on March 22, 2007.
- Wind Field Intensity Map obtained at 09:00 hours GMT on March 21, 2007.
- Chlorophyll-A Concentration Map at sea surface (CHL) obtained at 16:20 Hours GMT on March 22, 2007.
- Sea Surface Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 13:15 hours GMT on March 26, 2007
- Cloud Top Temperature Map (TSM) obtained at 03:50 hours GMT on March 26, 2007.
- Wind Field Intensity Map obtained at 09:23 hours GMT on March 26, 2007.
- Chlorophyll-A Concentration Map at sea surface (CHL) obtained at 13:15 Hours GMT on March 26, 2007.
- Interpreted seepage slicks features present in the sea bottom associated with deformation related to transtensional fault associated with halokinesis in the Santos Basin. These characteristics correspond to possible tectonic pathways for hydrocarbons migration from deeply buried source rock pods to the sea floor.
- Migration pathways associated to transtensional fault zone and listric faults charging Upper Cretaceous turbidite sandstone reservoirs located on top of anticlines and progradation fronts generated by the salt moving (Catto et al., 2007).
- Regional geological NW-SE transtensional features (ZIFTTS) structures overlaid on bathymetric data.
- Seepage slicks centroids and regional geological structures overlaid on bathymetric data.
- Seepage slicks centroids and regional geological structures overlaid on residual gravity map adapted from Meisling et al. 2001. As observed above, the transtensional fault zone systems (ZIFTTS, Catto et al., 2007) together with listric faults associated to the salt domes are the ducts for vertical petroleum migration from pre-salt sources to the post-salt reservoirs.
- Seepage slicks illustrating the clusters of seepage slicks I (07, 08, 09, 010, 011, 012) that are closely located at the Salt Diapir Province, over the compression salt faults and parallel with strong gravity anomalies
- Seepage slicks nominated Cluster 0-30 situated in the north portion of the pos-salt, lacustrine oil accumulations of the Tambau and Tambuata oil fields, located in the BM-S-500, deep water, Santos Basin where a slightly limit of positive gravity anomalies occurs.
- Location of the study area and piston cores investigated in this study.
- Map showing the collected cores recovery data in the study area.
- Concentrations (ppm) of Headspace Plot of Methane (C1) vs. Ethane (C2).
- Headspace Analysis Plot showing Gas Ratios comparisons indicating an oil and condensate prone area. (TROCAR FIGURA
- Map of the amount of the Methane (C1) headspace gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Ethane (C2) headspace gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Ethylene (C2*) headspace gas, in parts per million ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Propane (C3) headspace gas, in parts per million ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Propylene (C3) headspace gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the n Butane (C4) headspace gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Iso-butane (iC4) headspace gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Butane C4 SUM headspace gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Pentane (C5) headspace gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Concentrations (ppm) of Sorbed Soil Gas Plot of Methane (C1) vs. Ethane (C2).
- Sorbed Soil Gas Analysis Plot showing Gas Ratios comparisons indicating an oil and condensate prone area.
- Map of the amount of the Methane (C1) absorbed gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Ethane (C2) absorbed gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Propane (C3) absorbed gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the butane (C4) SUM absorbed gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the IsoButane (iC4) absorbed gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the n-Butane (nC4) absorbed gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the Pentane (C5) absorbed gas, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the C1/C2 absorbed gas ratio, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the amount of the C2/C4 absorbed gas ratio, in parts per million (ppm).
- Map of the microbial values in the study area.
- Plot of Total Scanning Fluorescence versus UCM (Unresolved Complex Mixture; ppm)
- Map of the total hydrocarbon amount, in parts per million (ppm). Note that although sample A-16 presents a very low total hydrocarbon amount, it show the presence of a thermogenic oil composed of mixture of marine and lacustrine saline oils (e.g. Figure 105).
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate biomarkers for sample A-01.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate biomarkers for sample A-04.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate biomarkers for sample A-06.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate biomarkers for sample A-07.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate biomarkers for sample A-14.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate biomarkers for sample A-16.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate biomarkers for sample A-20.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate biomarkers for sample A-25.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of aromatic biomarkers for sample A-01.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of aromatic biomarkers for sample A-06.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of aromatic biomarkers for sample A-07.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of aromatic biomarkers for sample A-14.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of aromatic biomarkers for sample A-16.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of aromatic biomarkers for sample A-20.
- Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of aromatic biomarkers for sample A-25.
- Interpretation Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate and aromatic biomarkers for sample A-01.
- Interpretation Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate and aromatic biomarkers for sample A-04.
- Interpretation Summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate and aromatic biomarkers for sample A-07.
- Interpretation summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate and aromatic biomarkers for sample A-08.
- Interpretation summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate and aromatic biomarkers for sample A-14.
- Interpretation summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate and aromatic biomarkers for sample A-16.
- Interpretation summary sheet showing GC and GC-MS of saturate and aromatic biomarkers for sample A-25.
- A cross plot of the ratios H29/M29 versus H30/M30 containing dominant syngenetic hydrocarbons, a mix of syngenetic/thermogenic and dominant thermogenic hydrocarbons.
- A cross plots of the ratios H30/M30 versus H31S/H31R stereoisomers containing dominant syngenetic hydrocarbons, a mix of syngenetic/thermogenic and dominant thermogenic hydrocarbons.
- GC-MS-MS traces of the extracts obtained from the Piston Core sample A-01 analyzed in this study.
- GC-MS-MS traces of the extracts obtained from the Piston Core sample A-07 analyzed in this study.
- GC-MS-MS traces of the extracts obtained from the Piston Core sample A-16 analyzed in this study.
- Biomarker plots of the extracts obtained from the Piston Cores analyzed in this study showing oil type classification.
- Biomarker plots of the extracts obtained from the Piston Cores analyzed in this study showing oil type classification.
- Map of the Piston Cores analyzed in this study showing oil type classification
- Biomarker plots of the extracts obtained from the Piston Cores analyzed in this study showing oil thermal evolution.
- Map of the Piston Cores analyzed in this study showing oil thermal evolution classification.
- Mass fragmentograms (m/z 191 for terpanes, m/z 217 for steranes and m/z 259 for TPP and C27 diasteranes) of Santos Oil (3EM-0002 BSS), organic extract in an Albian-Cenomanian source rock of the Campos Basin (proprietary data) and seep extract. Observe the great similarity among the samples suggesting same Albian/Cenomanian origin for the hydrocarbon extract from core XXX collected in block BM-S22.
- Plot of ppm of biomarkers versus ppm of diamondoid in sediment extract showing area for background, partially cracked oils and mixtures of non-cracked and highly cracked oils.
- Plot of C29 steranes versus diamondoid concentration showing presence of non-cracked, partially cracked and mixtures of non-cracked and highly cracked oils.
- Map of minimum oil cracking based on diamondoid concentration obtained from the Piston Core extracts over the studied area.
- 3D visualization of the interpreted ZIFFT in the area of the BM-S-22, and their implication in the Oil Slick presence. The data shows that the ZIFFT zones are present from the basement to the sea bottom and in the end of this fault zone the following identified Oils Slicks are observed; S-04, S-05 and S-06.
- Seismic line in the area of BM-S-22. This figure shows the piston core A-09 that contains a mixed marine and lacustrine saline oil seep and the migration path is observed trough ZIFFT zone features, in the same way, the migration path of the oil slick S-32 at the NW portion of the line is observed.
- Seepage slicks illustrating the clusters of seepage slicks over the supergiant oil fields Tupi (S-35) and Jupiter (S-36) that are closely associated with transtensional and listric faults zones.
- Structural map of the top of the stromatolites reservoirs based on a 3D seismic data supplied from CGG for the HRT-CGG 3D petroleum system generation and migration modeling (PETROMOD) of the Cluster area of deep Santos Basin. Observe the location of the two Tupi wells related with the oil slick recovered at S-35.
- Seismic line provided from CGG-Veritas in the area of Tupi supergiant oil field. This figure shows the oil slick S-35 that present a migration pathway trough listric and transtensional faults zones.
- 2D visualization of a petroleum system generation and migration modeling (PETROMOD) showing the importance of such technology in predicting oil slicks and seeps. The data shows that the ZIFFT zones and salt anisotropy are present from the oil accumulation to the sea bottom and in the end of this fault zone the Oils Slick semi-cluster S-36 was observed.
- Seepage slicks illustrating the clusters of seepage slicks present west of the pre-salt Bem Te VI (Block BM-S-8) and Caramba (BM-S-21) oilfields. Such data opens up a West ultra deep water frontier of exploration for pre-salt prospects in the Santos Basin.
- Seepage slicks illustrating the clusters of seepage slicks present South of the mega pre-salt structural high observed in the Block BMS-32. Such data opens up a South ultra deep water frontier of exploration for pre-salt prospects in the Santos Basin.
- Seismic line in the area of BM-S-22. This figure shows the piston core A-09 that contains a mixed marine and lacustrine saline oil seep and the migration path is observed trough ZIFFT zone features, in the same way, the migration path of the oil slick S-32 at the NW portion of the line is observed.
- Figure 129. Seismic line in the area of BM-S-22. This figure shows the piston core A-09 that contains a mixed marine and lacustrine saline oil seep and the migration path is observed trough ZIFFT zone features, in the same way, the migration path of the oil slick S-32 at the NW portion of the line is observed.
- Seismic line in the area of BM-S-22. This figure shows the piston core A-09 that contains a mixed marine and lacustrine saline oil seep and the migration path is observed trough ZIFFT zone features, in the same way, the migration path of the oil slick S-32 at the NW portion of the line is observed.
- Integration map of the study area composed of oil slicks, oil seeps, exploration blocks and diamondoid data.